Okay, I do this all the time. I put something important in a very special place so that I will remember that place when the time comes that I need that special item.
Okay, so the time comes that I need the special item and, yep, I cannot recall the very special place where I put the important item. LOL! So, it's best to stop looking which is what I did last night when I couldn't find my "JOY" Christmas stocking. I went to bed and withi

n 30 minutes I remembered where it was. It was in a large Christmas tin (you know - the ones that popcorn assortments come in) and it was filled with stockings that were cut and ready to sew for donations come this Christmas. There on the top of the stack was the folded Christmas JOY stocking. So I pick it up and wait.......it wasn't finished! Then I remembered that I was going to post the pattern as a tutorial in July for a "Christmas in July" project and I wanted to take photos of the steps "in progess". That whole back pain thing has totally thrown me off schedule so the stocking will have to wait til next year to be entered in the county fair. I'll get the stocking posted as a tutorial in early September. In the meantime, Joy from "down-under" who won the finished one that's in the picture, offered up her stocking but felt it would be a bit of trip to get it here for the fair. Thanks, though for the offer, Joy! Read this post about the
WINNER to see that, amazingly, "Joy" won the stocking with JOY on it. I still shiver to think of it when my husband pulled out the name and I saw who it was! I am making a note in my planner to post the JOY stocking tutorial the first week in September. That's one place that's safe. If I write it in my planner it happens!
Now, what did I enter in the fair? Well, I will tell you after the fair is over as names don't go on items til after they are judged. There were lots of folks bringing in handcrafts and baked goods but the best displays were the flowers! They were not just beautiful but fragrant, too. I didn't take pictures today as they were just setting things up. I love the county fair better than the State Fair. It's small and makes me feel like I'm young again. Not a bad thing as far as I am concerned. Now if they had just been selling those wonderful mini donuts, my day would have been complete. :-)
I enjoyed some time at my sewing machine tonight. Am working on that pink strips quilt and will have some show and tell on that one in a couple of weeks. Tomorrow, I am going to work on BOM blocks and will get them posted within the next few days. Feeling pretty good!
Lights out!