First, let me say that I did almost nothing today. I think I was a slug. Or perhaps I am a steam engine who has lost it's steam. LOL! Whatever the case may be, I accomplished almost nothing and capped the evening off with a trip to Menard's for basement bathroom lights, etc. with my husband. How's that for exciting? We even stopped to eat supper at Taco John's so it got even more exciting!
And speaking of food, this post is titled "Dinner at the Nifty 50's" so I best tell you where that is.
Check it out in the photo below...........

If you are passing through (or are near) the little town of Lehigh, Iowa and you'd like a good burger and fries or the Sunday dinner (ham or pork loin and all the fixings) that my mom and I enjoyed this past weekend, well, you should stop at the little cafe on Main Street called "Nifty 50's". Don't be deceived by the empty stools. There are folks on the left that I couldn't include in the photo because I didn't know them and wasn't sure I wanted to interrupt their dinner to ask if they would mind being on my blog.

From the Nifty 50's we went on to the Care Center to visit friends. Coffee hour is at 2:00 so I had brought along some of my Irish tea cakes that I had put in the freezer just so I could bring them along. My mom bought a cinnamon brunch cake at Wal-mart that was incredibly delicious! Everyone enjoyed the goodies and we had a nice visit. That's my mom, Mary, in the photo above and her friend, Jean, to her left. Also visiting that day were Lucy (left) and cousin Shirley (holding the coffee cup). Jean reads my blog so "Hi Jean!!"

As you walk out of the dining area this quilt rack is along the wall and every so often the quilt is changed. I liked this elongated churn dash pattern. And yes, it's a walk down Memory Lane when we visit there. I love good memories and sharing them. That's precisely why I called my pattern business, Pleasant Memories. I consider myself blessed to have so many pleasant memories to recall. :-)
Very tired tonight so I am "hitting the hay" before midnight! How can that be? Thinking that a good night's rest might mean more energy for me for tomorrow!
Gee Sandi, being a slug is ok too. We all need time to catch out breath before we go zooming off again. I might have drawn the line at eating at Taco John's LOL.
BTW I just love your Easter woolie in your is soooo cute!
I've been a slug now for about a week....and it's getting me SO upset with myself. Maybe we all need some slug time once in awhile??? Love the "tour" you gave us today of the 50's restaurant and the care center. I went to a similar restaurant twice in Manteo,'s called Big Al's and it's GREAT for any who are going to the Outer Banks....a real fun 50's place.
I got a sweet email from someone you know (ha) this morning and appreciate your kind comments so much. thanks. I am sorry you have lost your Dad. I'd say he did not have Alzheimers if he knew you up to the end. Doctors, errrrr.
This cafe (that's what they were called back in the 50s and boy do I remember those days) was so charming and retro.
Everybody needs a little break. Enjoy, I know you will be back at it soon. Outdoing us all.
time off to restore is mandatory at any age.....i just wish i'd known you were in lehigh...i love coffee, 50's diners, coffeecake, and visiting!!!!
That looks like so much fun. Treasure this time with your mom.
I think that I want to be a slug someday! It sounds like fun.
I know exactly where Lehigh is. It looks as though you had a fun trip too.
My uncle and a cousin are arriving tomorrow from Iowa and staying through Monday. It will be such fun to have them here, but much too short of a visit.
Have a great weekend. I hear more snow is arriving.
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