That's right, just another little peek. I will share more pictures Saturday evening after I return from the opening day of the exhibit. If you are reading this and you are in the Twin Cities area and would like to see the exhibit it's located at the Stans Museum, 235 South Fuller in Shakopee. The museum is home to the Scott County Historical Society. Admission is $4.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. The exhibit opening times - 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, March 7th. The exhibit will continue through October, 2009. For more information on SCHS, hours of operation, and the exhibit, you can check out the current newsletter
You'll learn all about the pieces shown above when I share pictures on Miss Martha's Crazy Quilting Circle (you'll find it
here). I have to admit that my right arm, shoulder and neck are really quite tired and achy from lots of sewing on some of the pieces, rotary cutting of blocks for some projects, etc. so tomorrow I will not be sewing at all but will be doing laundry and some cleaning. And I might have to take a nap. :-)
Speaking of sleep, I am off to bed.
Sandi, you make me tired just reading about all you do LOL, how do you do it?
I look forward to seeing more about this when you get back. Love your cute blog.
I so wish I could attend. It sounds fabulous.
BEST of luck at the quilt show!! your crazy quilting looks BEAUTIFUL!! looking forward to your safe return! :) have an AWESOME day!
HOORAY for getting the show all assembled and put in place in time for the opening (actually AHEAD of time). Good for you!!! Wonderful job, Sandi.
I didn't do the work alone at all. Theresa, the curator at the museum, has done the set-up with help from volunteers and I just helped sew casings on quilts, assemble items for the exhibits, finish items for the exhibits.....I guess it took a team. It is lovely. Wish you could see it!
I am tired just reading of all you are doing! lol...
Take care! Rest well! 8-)
Thanks for letting me know about this. I know some ladies from the SW corner of Wisconsin that would love to see this exhibit
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