This little quilt is another one from the series I designed in 2000 to celebrate the Millennium. Because November is usually a month to celebrate "giving thanks" here in the U.S. for Thanksgiving Day, one might think I should have had a big turkey on this quilt. However.....
This will be a busy week with preparation for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. My husband may be cooking the turkey that day but I'll be doing the pies and the rest of the goodies. In addition to preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday, I have some Christmas gifts I've been working on and once that turkey is baked and the clean-up is done, the Christmas tree is coming out and the decorating will start. I just love this time of the year. Got my Christmas carols playing in the background and I am singing along. :-)

I promised I'd show a little something I have been working on and here it is.........
This is the candlemat I made for my swap partner for the swap over at Michele's QuiltingGallery . My swap partner is a secret so I can't tell you her name. She does like 30's fabrics so I wonder if she will guess that this is going out to her?
I had so much fun designing the project for the swap and for my retreat friends. But what's been even more fun is seeing all the different variations of colors and fabrics that everyone is using. That's one of the fun things about quilting is how different one pattern can look when you change up the color or fabrics. If you'd like to see some of the variations just go here to the Flickr group and take a peek. I am looking forward to receiving a candlemat from my swap partner and can hardly wait to see what colors and fabrics she has used in it. Photo coming as soon as it arrives at my door! In the meantime, I am making more of these candlemats as gifts for some friends and family. I have to get out and do some shopping for candles to go along with the mats. That will come this Friday after the big Turkey day. :-)
Have a good Monday everyone!
Great candle mat! I always look forward to your monday post...
I love the candlemat!! Just adorable!
and that freezing rain crap is falling again this morning...lots of activity down here this morning...
now if it will get slippery enough I won't make my dentist appt!!! ... even if it's a block away he he
love the 'count your blessings' quilt. We definately should be counting our blessings every day not just at Thanksgiving.
Seeing all of the fog in MN on the weather channel this morning, I am sure that the quilt would not have been able to be seen if it had been "live". Very nice.
Your candle mat looks wonderful too.
Like the idea of counting your blessings everyday. I love Monday's post.
The candlemat is so cute. I got some charm squares to make some from your pattern.
Your candle mat is gorgeous Sandi. I'm sure your secret partner will love it.
Lovely little quilt, Sandi. Your Thanksgiving prepartions sound so good I may have to cook up another turkey since our Thanksgiving is long past!
Candlemat is great and we do need to remember to give thanks. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
My computer does not want to play nice with your website today; keeps crashing, but I'm persisting because I want to tell you that I really like your wall hanging. Thanksgiving really is a day to focus on giving thanks for our blessings --otherwise, it would just be a day of gluttony. ewww! I'm thankful for your blog and for a slew of others. Lots of nice people out there blogo land.
Love your little candlemat, and just want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving time and hope you enjoy it all.
I agree with this time of year!
I love the stitching and the candlemat. Great job.
Really love the candle matt. What a wonderful idea. Love the fabrics and design.
The candle mat is lovely.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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