Tuesday, May 1

Happy May Day and a little bit of a giveaway!

A winner has been drawn by my Random Number Man and it is Sharon of Stitching Along the Mississippi!! Congrats and for those of you that did not win.........Stay tuned to my blog as I will be doing a few more crazy quilting giveaways over the course of this next year!!

One of my favorite musicals is "Camelot". I used to put that 33 1/3 album (yes, some of you will know what that is and some of you might not!) on the record player and sing at the top of my lungs to every song on the soundtrack. My favorite tune from "Camelot" is "If ever I should leave you....." and no one can sing it better than Robert Goulet (at least in my opinion). Then there is no one who can sing quite so lovely as Julie Andrews and with so much energy as in "It's May, it's May, the lusty month of May!!!"...........and today is the first day of that awesome month of May!!!
I loved May Day as a kid and delivering the little baskets filled with candies to my friends. Every year I make a few and planned to make a couple yesterday. But then..........I made something else and I'll share that tomorrow because what I made is a surprise for a good friend.
Now, as you may know, I have been doing some crazy quilting and I have also been doing a lot of sorting and cleaning.  I have so much stuff of my own and people give me stuff. I have too much stuff!! So, I put together a pile of crazy quilting fabrics, some floss, some beads, some lace and a box to hold the threads and trims! Plus there's a pretty little journal to record your crazy quilting thoughts/designs! Think of it as a May Day Treat.....................

Here's what the box looks like when it's closed. I think it was a box for photos but I got it at a thrift shop and thought it would be fun to do a crazy quilting piece and insert it where the photo would go. I will never get to this as there are other "to do" items in my crazy quilting chest of goodies. Soooooooooo........I thought, let's give it away!
Just leave your name and e-mail link and tell me just how much you want to try crazy quilting. My random number man will draw a winner on Thursday evening sometime after dinner. :-)
Today, I am off to "Tuesday Crazies" at my friend Adella's house. This is my group of friends that connected over crazy quilting but everyone just brings their current project now. Mine is most often my stack of crazy quilting blocks because I never seem to be able to finish them. I'm on a mission, though, and those blocks will be finished by the end of this year. If I keep putting it in writing, it will happen. LOL!  Have fun while I'm away. Leave that comment now................


mary mahoo said...

Crazy quilting is what got me interested in quilting originally. I keep trying to get back to it and have a stash of bits & pieces to use. Thanks for the chance to win.

Martina said...

I just nearly finished my first crazy block for a mystery Bom from the quilt shop near by. And I love it. The embellishing is such fun. I definitely will make more. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I would love to make a Crazy quilt and embellish it with crochet flowers and squares, wee ribbons, embroidery and ...colours! Lots of colours.
I want to look at it and smile.
thanks for the chance to win

Donna said...

I've yet to make a Crazy Quilt although some of my quilting has come out unintentionally "crazy!" Practice, practice, practice. I love laces and trims and fabric. I'm thinking I would enjoy making a Crazy Quilt (on purpose LOL). Happy quilting.

rabbitspinner said...

Ooh, I love crazy quilting. I made one crazy quilt block when I was first learning in 1979 for a sampler quilt. I've been collecting some fancy fabrics to make an entire top, but would love to add yours! Thanks for the chance to win.

Donna R.

Four dogs and one quilter said...

I too used to listen and sing along to the album. Loved that show. Can find the original Broadway cast on iTunes, will have those songs in my head all day. Thanks for a chance to win a May Day Treat. Did you do a May pole too?

Needled Mom said...

I still have my albums - scratches and all. They are definitely bigger that the little DVDs of today.

I enjoy CQ and have used it on all sorts of projects over the years - quilts, clothing and postcards.

Jocelyn said...

You know I have never tried crazy quilting, but after making my first string quilt, I think a crazy quilt would be a great project to tackle. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would love to learn Crazy Quilting. I would love to use my stitches on my machine and different ribbons and embellishments! I Love Camelot! I went to a camp when I was twelve that was called Carlisle but there was a Camelot camp close by. I love Robert Goulet too!

Sally said...

Crazy quilting has always been 'on the list' but haven't gotten around to it! I'd love to give it a try now that I have more time. Recently retired! all the embellishment--too cool.

Karrie said...

I would love to try crazy quilting. There are absolutely no rules, and that's what I like about it. Thanks for the chance to win.

cpup40 said...

I want to try crazy quilting. There are no rules to this type of quilting. I would probably embellish it with ribbons and buttons & maybe a little embroidery, also. Thank you for having such a great giveaway.

Unknown said...

I love crazy quilting, and make crazy patchwork Christmas stockings, and embellish them with old ribbons, lace and other items out of my grandmothers and mothers oddments that have been handed down to me. It is the combination of the old and new that inspires me

Stitching Along the Missippi said...

I just started a crazy quilt and would love to win this great giveaway

Diane Wild said...

Oh my. I would love this stash of crazy quilting goodies. My crazy quilt that I worked on over the winter is done except for the border. Must get to it. I want to enter it in the fair. If I win this wonderful stash, I could add it to the borders??? Yes, Mr. Random Number, pick me.

ledamewood said...

Crazy quilting is on my to do list. I've got a book for stitches to try and have collected a few fancy fabrics for it, but that's as far as I've gone. Would love to win this prize to give me just the right boost.

rockgranny said...

So far I'm collecting fancy fabrics and bought a book.I never tried it before, but it's very high on my "to do" list

Janice said...

Oh what a fabulous giveaway. I have been saving bits and pieces for ages that I thought would be great for crazy quilting.

Anonymous said...

I have been interested in crazy quilting since I was a young girl as my grandmother had one that I loved to look at and touch. Just need that inspiration to give it a try. Linda in Central VA

grammygwendolyn said...

I've been saving fancy fabrics for a while now.Have some velvet scraps my mother got from a factory. And she had some fancy lace pieces. Looks like I would have enough to start if I get lucky and win. Love your giveaways. Thank you

robin said...

It would be fun to try a crazy quilt. I'd love to make one some day. The local thrift shop would be a great place to start looking for fabrics. I should do that!

rag55 said...

I am dying to try crazy quilting!!!!!! Bought a book and everything.....just need the variety of fabrics to get started!!!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm just Crazy and I love goodies!

Wayne said...

I would love to try crazy quilting, I have been looking for different items. Our little quilt store closed, but I bought the book on crazy quilting from them.
Happy Spring. Helen

Annemie said...

I just love crazy quilting. The ribbons, the beads, the stitches and the endless possibilities to make a beautiful quilt just the way I like it. I collect all kinds of decorating stuff to make my quilts look fabulous.
Thank you for this give away. It's a very good idea!
Annemie Rook :-)

annemarie said...

Sounds like fun - crazy quilting is new to me.

hennies.pennies said...

My grandmother taught me the love of quilting so very many years ago. She's been gone now for quite some time but that love has stayed with me. One of the first quilts she showed me was crazy quilting. It was a good way to practice stitching...I wasn't very good at it but she thought I did wonderfully which was all that counted!! Be especially blessed, Kathy

Cathy R said...

Years ago, a good friend showed me crazy quilting. We would meet with our daughters (ages 6-12, at that time) and everybody had a job. Some sewed, some ironed and some went looking through the pile of scraps for the 'next' piece. It was so much fun and would love to give it another try. My youngest daughter, Katie (age 11) makes dolls for her friends and other hand crafted treasures. Thank you for sharing your love of quilting with all of us!
Cathy in FL

jean said...

Thanks for the chance to win some fabrics for crazy quilting. Have gathered all the trims, laces, buttons, and threads I've been saving for years to do a crazy quilt.Am now ready to start it.

Josie said...

Crazy quilting is what my grandma use to do.. I have part of a quilt that she did crazy patch.. I took that piece and framed it .. I have not tried to crazy patch but sure would be inspired with this freebie


MamaMary said...

I love crazy quilting. The embellishing really makes the quilt. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Quilts always wanted to make one of those.chevaliermaryellen@yahoo.ca

barbara woods said...

i love all kinds of quilting and would love to win thanks

Marcia W. said...

I've been interested in making a crazy quilt for some time -- the kind with embroidery and embellishments -- and my mother is too. I even checked out every stop on the pigtales crazy quilt parade. It would be great to win this pack so have something to use as a starter. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love crazy quilting. This is a very nice prize. Thank you for the chance to win Sandi.


Sandi Linn Andersen said...

PLEASE NOTE!!! If you are leaving a comment, you must have a link back to an e-mail address. Just being on Blogger is not good enough because if you have not checked to allow your e-mail to show, then I have no way to contact you if you win! Lately, I am having a good 20% of comments that have no way for me to contact them. That means that if your name is drawn and I can't reach you, then I have to draw another name.

Anonymous said...

I have never done a crazy quilt but would love to do one. I am always willing to try another type of quilting to broaden my habit (quilting).

Anonymous said...

I would love to try a crazy quilt. I am always looking for new ideas to try.

Oknana said...

I would love to try crazy quilting! It's something that is always on the back burner it seems! Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!
If I win, will you come show me how to do it? LOL

Kathryn said...

I don't have enough 'crazy' in my life, so I'd love to give it a go. Kathie L in Allentown

Seoulscrappin' said...

I am a newbie at quilting and I would so love to be lucky enough to win your generous giveaway gift! I think this would be an awesome way to jump into crazy quilting!

Anonymous said...

I have never tried CQ, although I'm pretty new to quilting altogether. :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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