Thursday, April 26

"Ties That Bind" Book Blog Hop

The winner of Marie's book "Ties That Bind" is Anett at House of Mouse!

Welcome to my blog, one of two stops on today's blog hop for Marie*Bostwick's new book..............

"Ties That Bind"

When Michele at Quilting Gallery contacted me about the blog hop and the opportunity to read the book, I was thrilled. I knew by the title that I would love the book. And when I read the synopsis, I could hardly wait to receive the book! Here's what got me so excited.............

Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews' friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she's made in New Bern; she just never thought she'd still be single on her fortieth birthday.
It's a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople's burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot's family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life's fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning.

The book arrived in my mailbox just two days before I was scheduled for a surgery (ovarian cyst). It was great to pack it in my bag and know that I could read it as I recovered. And I did! That first evening after the morning's surgery and my husband had returned home, I picked up the book and began to read. I only read one chapter that night but the next day, I read a little more. It helped keep my mind off the pain. By the third day, I had a hard time putting the book down! Ah, but I'm getting ahead of the questions!  ........ read on.........

    1. What drew you into the book? The title was the first thing that drew me in. I love the old hymn "Blest Be the Ties that Bind". It was the first thing I thought of when I read the title and recalled it was the hymn sung at our daughter Collette's wedding in 1995.  The book had a quilting theme so that was the second thing to draw me in and then........we have a female pastor at our church, Pastor Brigit. And before she began, our interim pastor was Pastor Kathy, and she was a quilter!! I could really relate to the women in this book!
    2. Which character did you identify with? I didn't really "identify" with any one character. All of the characters felt "real" to me if that makes any sense.
    3. If this is the first book of the series that you have read - will you be reading the rest now?   This was the first of Marie's books that I have read. I will definitely read all of her other books. :-)
    4. In 5 words or less state why someone NEEDS to read this novel. It will make you smile. 
    5. Did you take a beginner quilting class when you first started out? What was it like and did it inspire you to continue quilting?  I never took a beginning quilt class. My mother, grandmother, great grandmother and aunts were all quilters and every one of them inspired me. I watched them and learned from them. I also checked out a lot of books from the library.......everyone that Georgia Bonesteel ever wrote.  :-)
    6. Phillipa signs up to make a baby quilt as her first quilt. Have you made a baby or toddler quilt?  Yes, my first quilt was made for our daughter, Collette, just about this time of year back in 1970.  My husband was in the Air Force and we were stationed near Tokyo, Japan. I was a new mom, a long way from home and knowing that it would be close to three years before I'd see family again. My husband traveled a lot so even though there was a new baby, I still had a lot of time to myself. I decided to make a big quilt for Collette and started cutting squares from old clothes that led to this very worn but still loved quilt.........
And while I was making that quilt/comforter, my mother was stitching this quilt...........
My mother always did a lot of embroidery and had a wonderful collection of patterns. The kitten designs make the quilt look like it was made in the 1930's but it was made in 1970. I found designs for the puppies in her pattern collection and made flannel baby blankets for Collette.
When our son, Devlin, was born in 1976, I made this bright quilt because it was a banner, patriotic year! He arrived on July 5th, one day late for the big 200 year celebration on July 4th, 1976!
I love to blanket stitch and made this big baby blanket with large cartoon characters that I appliqued on a cotton background.
As the years went by, I made a few baby quilts here and there and then in 1999, our grandson, Jacob was born. He needed a warm, snuggly quilt so I used lots of flannels, some I bought and some were scraps left from pajamas made for his mommy, Collette. The four center squares under Jacob's tummy are from a nightgown she wore when she was a little girl.
 He loved that quilt and here he is all snuggled up..............
and then "peek-a-boo"...........he's all smiles!!
Well, that's probably more than you wanted to know and now you might like to have a chance to win Marie's book. All you have to do is leave your name and your e-mail contact and tell me anything you'd like to share about a baby or kid's quilt!  That's all! The giveaway will end at midnight May 2nd. And you know me..........there will be a little fabric surprise for the winner. I have some cute baby-themed charm squares that will get one of you started on a baby quilt for you, a grandchild or for a friend. So, leave that comment and after that, you'll want to head on over to Victoria's blog for another chance to win Marie's book.

One more thing...........
Next week, this pattern for Marie's quilt "Hide and Seek" will be available at her site. Just go here and become a registered member of her site and the pattern is free!

That's all, folks! Best of luck in the book drawing!


Laura in IA said...

Since my mother passed away long before the great grands were born I put myself in charge of family baby quilts. I relish the opportunity to give out baby quilts to the wee ones of family and friends. I so thoroughly enjoy Marie's books. It's wonderful to have an opportunity to win one. Thank you.

tubakk said...

When I make baby quilts for others, I always ask them for some fabric belonging to the family. If I can put in a memory like that, the quilt is like more valuable for a long time.

Diane Wild said...

I made baby quilts for my partners great grandchildren. Those were the first I ever made. Then, my niece's kids. I love making them. I think of the warmth the baby is receiving under one of my quilts and wonder if that quilt will stay with them throughout their lives. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

charlotte said...

I make baby quilts for any baby I think needs one...which is every baby, but I am not that fast. I take care of baby quilts for the grandkids and then any of our family friends I can. Thanks for the chance to win. Sounds like a good read.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed making baby quilts for family and friends. I made a flannel quilt in lavender for my husband's secretary when she had a surprise baby. She was thrilled that I cared to make a quilt for her new little one.

Pat said...

While not a baby quilt, my favorite kids' quilt is one I made for my granddaughter this past Christmas....using all snack fabrics. She had been going through a rough time as her parents were going through a divorce....her father is bi-polar and alcoholic, so a lot of this is so confusing for a young child. She was thrilled with this quilt and told me how it keeps her all snuggly. To me, those words were worth more than any award any of my quilts could ever get in a quilt show!

Deanna said...

I just put quilts for twin grandchildren in the mail this week. What a special time of life!

Barbara O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara O. said...

What a cute quilt for your grandson! I'm about to make my first baby quilt for my son's Kindergarten, because there aren't any babies due with my family or my friends.

Laurel said...

i have made baby quilts for a bunch of other people, but started quilting after my two daughters were born. now that i'm 17 weeks pregnant, i can't WAIT to find out what i'm having so i can start on a quilt for this one. i am bringing it to the hospital - this is a first for me!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you have definitely did a great job on that baby quilt. I have made a brown, beige and white sticks and stones baby quilt for my granddaughter's boy. He just loves it and you just feel so proud and you feel such a bond of love between yourselves. I certainly would enjoy Ties that Bind if I should be lucky enough to win.

Sandi T.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Thank you for the opportunity to put my name in the hat for the newest installment of this fun series! I have so enjoyed the previous ones! I think baby quilts are a wonderful way to welcome a new one into the world and hopefully it will become a treasure gift.

Louise in Iowa said...

Baby quilts are my "go-to" projects right now as I try to clear out some of my stash. They're being donated to our church and to our guild to be given to any little one who needs a special hug.

Happy Me said...

I thoroughly enjoyed your post and the baby quilts you've made :-) I love making baby quilts for any new baby I hear about :-)

The book sounds wonderful! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Kathy H said...

Loved to see your cute grandson pictures. I have a new pattern for a baby quilt that I found that has embroidered blocks and pieced blocks. I really like how it turned out and hope to use that one again for the next baby quilt. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

Linda at LRDesignsQuilting said...

Thanks for the pictures. I have a big family and I've been making "Tummy Time" quilts for my great nieces and nephews! Our only grandchild is 9 and she's ready to start sewing quilts!

Sharmond said...

I helped my daughter make a baby quilt for a friend. It had brown minkee fabric and 4 patches of different shades of pink. Turned out pretty and I was so proud of my daughter for sticking to her first quilt project.

Robyn said...

My first quilt was for my son. It was entirely hand made.

Kathryn said...

I make baby quilts (and kids quilts) for charity since there are no babies in the near future in my family. Kathie L in allentown

Joyce Carter said...

I love to sew for babies. I am making a baby quilt now for a friend who is having a grandchild.I think quilts are a special way to welcome a new baby into the world.
Thank you so much for this chance to win this book.

Gene Black said...

I love making baby quilts because they can be fun and colorful. Plus they are an easy size to quilt on my home machine.

Judy1522 said...

I have yet to make a baby quilt but hope to for my nephew's baby due this summer.

Lora said...

I have a baby quilt in my UFO pile. It was the last quilt my beloved Grandmother Sophie Meyer pieced before she passed away. The aunts and Mother thought I should have it to finish it. It will stay at 'this' Grandma's house, so my daughters don't fight about who gets it!

Paula, the quilter said...

I went to an 'art' in the park thing back in the early 90s(?) Anyway, there was a little ole lady there who was selling quilts and actually had one in the frame. I thought it was darling that she had used those big cartoon characters and appliqued the front of the character on the front of the quilt and then the back of the character on the back of the quilt. Wish I had bought one. I make baby quilts for donation now. Since my boy hasn't found a wife and I have no grandbabies.

Anonymous said...

I have all five quilts my grandmother made entirely by hand for each of my brothers, sister and myself. Most of them are coming apart or are worn out in spots, but they bring back frond memores. Mine was a Sunbonnet Sue quilt because I was named Susan.

Sallie said...

I love making baby/children quilts for our church quilt ministry. They are sent to orphans in foreign countries or to our local pregnancy help center. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sandra said...

I make mostly make quilts for my grandkids, but I have made a few for my co-workers. I am now on a mission to make quilts for each of my great nieces and nephews.

House of Mouse said...

I have made baby quilts for almost all of my Grandbabies.....and about 1/2 of the great grandbabies.I probably will be retired before I get them all done. They are so much fun to make out of flannel. As you know Sandi, I am also an avid reader! I am glad you are feeling better! My best to you.

Colleen M said...

I think the first quilt I actually made was one for my youngest sister. She loved dinosaurs as a little kid so I found some dinosaur embroidery patterns and stitched them on blocks and used bright primary colors between the blocks. At the time, I found some adorable fabric with dinosaur footprints that I used as sashing. It turned out quite cute (if I do say so myself)! I think I just tied it back then, though. Thanks for the opportunity to enter and for the trip down memory lane. (My sister is 30 already!)

Dee said...

I would love to read this book. I have made baby quilts, but love the legacy of inspiration your mom and grandmom left you...not to mention the adorable baby.

Unknown said...

Since my 3rd grandchild was born March 16th I've been making a few baby blankets/quilts lately! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great book! :)

Sewgirl said...

I have two baby quilts ready to be quilted. One is for my housekeepers grandchild and the other will be waiting in the wings so to speak! I love making baby quilts because they are usually quick to make and are generally so well received by the recipients. Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I love making baby quilts. The fun is in trying to decide on what pattern and colors will suit each particular baby.

Sally said...

I've made oodles of baby quilts over the last few years (for family, friends, coworkers and even the Post Mistress!) but the most fun and fast ones have been made from bandanas--I bought a bunch for $0.50 and use 4 for a quilt, ususally all the same or 2 different patterns but same colors--each one is different because I just go with it--sew before I cut, slap-dash. they've turned out super! May have to write a pattern!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I've not made a baby quilt. I've crocheted a couple many years ago.

The Village Queen said...

Great stories, love her books. Thanks for the chance! Have only made baby things for charity through my quilt guild.

Lyn said...

I have been makeing quilts for my family. 20 Grands and 4 Great. I do like to read Marie's books.

JoyceLM said...

I've completed 2 baby quilts - one for my great-niece and another for a charity. I have 5 other baby quilt tops that need to be quilted. Thanks for the chance to win.

grandmatomato said...

I still have my baby quilt.I started making baby quilts with my sister and niece. Unknowing to me on what to buy I bought several bolts of fabric and a bolt of batting. My sister said I only thought we were making a couple of quilts. Well 15 years later we are still making quilts for the NICU and we average a 100 a year. The book sounds very interesting I will need to find a copy unless I win it.
Sandy K

Mary said...

What a neat bunch of quilts you shared! I love making baby quilts since they are usually fairly quick and use fun, bright colors.
I have read one of Marie's books and would love to read this one. Thanks for a chance to win.

Estie said...

I love the baby quilts you posted and I'm sure the little ones have enjoyed using them. Hope you are feeling well too. It's fun to read your blog and thanks for participating the the book giveaway.

Sherri said...

Thank you for being a part of this fabulous give-a-way! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Marie’s series of books and can’t wait till I get this newest one!

I have only made one baby quilt that I can recall. I have made some big boy quilts for my youngest though! I still make him quilts for his bed, the last one being Tom and Jerry cartoon themed fabrics.

Maria Kievit said...

Weird as it may sound, but I've yet to make a baby quilt. When I learned quilting, my children were all a little older than babies, and I never thought about making them one, as all of their beds had bedcovers on them. I do however have quilts on the go for all of them now, but they are all still in the beginning stages.....

Shirley in Canada said...

Whoa!!! You had me at "Christmas"!!! A really nice post, Sandi!

EngrSandi said...

I like to make baby quilts big enough for Mom or Dad to wrap up in with the baby for those middle of the night feedings. I know those bigger quilts were my favorite quilts during that time! I've made quilts for all of my nieces and nephews and for my sons, as well as for many friends' babies. I have one to deliver next week for one of my co-workers. I look forward to seeing the look of joy on the parents' faces when they open the package.

Beth said...

I started a quilt for my niece's baby girl in very cheery colors, but it took me so long to finish it that in the meantime she developed her own personality, very much a girly-girl, so I started over, in shades of pink. That will teach me to wait so long.

Jean said...

Three of my nieces found out they were going to be moms in the last year. One great nephew (yes, they are all boys!)was born in Nov, one in Feb. and the last one is due in May. I made quilts for all three and have the third one ready to take to the hospital after he is born. It might be a miracle that I got them finished BEFORE the babies were born! Thanks for the chance to win!

scottylover said...

The first quilt I made was a baby quilt for my nephew Alex. It was one of those embroidery panels that My mom had started before she passed away. I held on to it and made it for him since he was the first grandchild. It was fun to finish it, but so hard to give it up! :)

Thanks for the chance to win the book!
Sandy A

Debbie said...

I've only ever made just a few baby quilts in my years quilting. I like that "Hide and Seek" is so bold! Thanks, Sandi.

Judith said...

Sandi, Beautiful quilts....I have made a quilt for all my children. To this day they get used and wrapped around tight.....I have standing orders for new ones this coming Christmas...Thank you for sharing you stories....Judith, Texas

Patty said...

The last baby quilt I made was from a charm pack with a border of matching fabric. I needed a quilt for a baby shower and this was so easy and fun to make.

rag55 said...

I love to make baby quilts for my friends at work who have new babies. I love to be inspired and create a unique quilt for each one. Of course, everyone who is passed childbearing years always moans about their "missing" quilt!!! Lol

rag55 said...

I love to make baby quilts for my friends at work who have new babies. I love to be inspired and create a unique quilt for each one. Of course, everyone who is passed childbearing years always moans about their "missing" quilt!!! Lol

quiltmom anna said...

In 1983, I made my first baby wrap- since then, I have easily 100 of them. I have gone from tieing then and using lace and eyelet on the outside to binding them and using minkee or a very soft terry inside the quilt with cotton on the back. They are a clover leaf shape and fit very nicely in a baby car seat. They are usually well liked by the babies too.
Thanks for sharing this book- I have not read her books but this one sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

I love to make baby quilts. Like many quilters, my first one was made for our first baby (1961). The rest is history (smile). I'd love to read "The Tie That Binds". Sure hope I win!!!

ThreadCatcher said...

I haven't made any baby quilts. They sure look like fun though. Thanks for the chance at your book giveaway.

magicthimblecreations said...

My nephew also celebrates his birthday of July 5, 1976. His was the first quilt I ever made. I just used my clothes sewing skills and made a very feminine shadow applique quilt. It did have bears on it, but also a ruffle.

Peggy in KY

MissesStitches said...

I've made a lot of baby quilts. For my own two babies, for my one grandchild, for other relatives, and to give away as charity quilts. I love making baby quilts as they usually go fast.

Cecilia said...

I made my first baby quilt 3 years ago for my first grandchild. My M on made a few flannel blankets for her future great grands before she died 2 years ago and since then I have made a quilt for each of my great nephews in her name. She was the seamstress of our family and I am the only one who still sews now, so I decided to carry on in her name.

zonnedekens said...

I haven't read any of Maria's books, but they sound wonderful. I'd love to read it .greetings from Belgium

Sarah or Semmy said...

Really enjoyed the stories of the baby quilts. They are all so wonderful. Our library has very few quilt related novels and that is a pity. Most of them are so very good and entertaining. Sarah in OK

Marcia W. said...

My favorite quilt to make is a baby quilt for a little girl.

Loris said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I am excited to start reading Marie's books. I have just learned of them today.
I enjoy making baby quilts for the young nurses I work with. Several have had their first child in the past years and some are having more this year.

Darlene B said...

Just working on my first baby quilt (and have 2 more started as well)! I guess I should try to get them finished!

Ariane said...

So much love and memories are in those quilts. I love them!!I have made many quilts. My first one was a baby quilt that I made for my cousin. Thanks for the chance to win this book.!!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for sharing your family treasures and for participating in the blog hop. It is wonderful to make quilts for not just babies but for children to grow up with because they do carry special memories.

Gmama Jane said...

I smiled when I got to the picture with your grandson smiling with a pacifier in his mouth!! it's been a tough day and it was my first smile of the day!! I hope I win!!
Gmama Jane

Unknown said...

I cross my fingers, thank you for this chance. hugs

Celine said...

I made a baby quilt before my first son before he was born with bright orange and green and lots of fish as he was to be born as a Pisces (fish and Pisces are the same word in French).
Thanks for the chance to win.
Celine_Combet at

Jay said...

No one else in my family quilts or has quilted, so I had to find my way on my own. The first baby quilt I made was just OK, but by the time my first grandchild was born, I had some skills in my bag of tricks and her quilt was an heirloom -- at least in my mind! At 14, she still loves it, so it was a success.

stichnRN said...

i love making baby quilts!!!! my niece is buying fabric for a new quilt for HER grand daughter..... i have NO grands. still waiting. this will make the 4th great great niece and i am not even a grandmother yet.....NOT FAIR. i have a large stash of baby fabrics i have collected in my "grandma hope chest" that i hope to be able to use someday.

cityquilter grace said...

who doesn't make baby quilts at some point or another? they're irresistible, like their recipients...LOL

Jeanne Gwin said...

My 1st mother-in-law encouraged me to make quilts for my babies while waiting for delivery. They both still have the quilts and love them to this day!

Candice Hojan said...

The book sounds good, Sandy! Another quilt shop series, can't have too many. I made cheater quilts for each of my three kids, since I wasn't really a quilter back then. The fabric had pigs and cows and other farm animals on t---not cartoony, more of a country lok. I backed the qults with black and white cow-skin flannel. More recently, I made a bowtie baby quilt for my grandson (just turned one) and a freestyle butterfly quilt for my granddaughter (1 1/2). Baby quilts are fun because of the fun fabrics, and they finish quickly since they are smaller. Thanks for listening.

QuiltinGram said...

My mother lost most of her sight in her mid 60' and had to give up quilting and all other crafts she loved to do. When my grandson was born 8yrs ago, my daughter called me at work crying..."Mom, I just got a package from Great-Aunt E..she made a quilt for the baby and the label on the back says: Blocks made by your great-grandmother and made into a quilt by your Great-great Aunt since your G-grandma couldn't. It brought tears to my eyes..cause she would have wanted to do it herself. Over the years this wonderful woman has made each of the great grandchildren (9 to date) a quilt from blocks made by their great-grandmother who sadly passed away this March.
CathyC in Alberta

ytsmom said...

I have only made one baby quilt

Sarah in Houston said...

I am getting ready to make a children's blanket for my grandson, but I've not made a baby blanket. I usually knit baby blankets.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

what a gorgeous babe! all smiles -darling!
i used to quilt baby quilts for the hospital gift shop. one day i received a call saying the new year's baby had just been born in that hospital and would i quilt a special one for this new year baby! i was honoured to do so and had great joy selecting and completing my special project !... TY for asking ;)

luv the storyline of the book - look fwd to reading !

Karen said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I have made many, many baby quilts over the years as gifts, but somehow my three baby girls did not get quilts made by me. I am attempting to rectify this as the first one is graduating from college soon and her quilt is finally in the works.

Sharon said...

My husband is a pastor and for a few years we had several babies born close together. I started hosting baby showers and for each baby I made a rag quilt. A couple special ones stand out for unwed mother who was being rejected for the mistake she'd made and how she was overwhelmed with love and support through her baby shower. And another baby who was not expected to live so no shower was given. Instead, i made a "prayer quilt" for him at the hospital. Today he is 6 yrs old! We had a shower for him when he came home from the hospital :-)

Vesuviusmama said...

I still don't sleep under a quilt, but every baby born into my extended family has a quilt from me. It gives me such joy to give them. Erin

pinsandneedles said...

Thanks for sharing your stories! Last year was a wedding quilt year for me and it seems that this year is a baby quilt year. I'm making my 3rd baby quilt for babies due later this spring and summer.

Eva said...

MY first baby quilt was for my daughter Karen, it was most likely my very first quilting project. I have made several baby quilts since then. The book sound awesome.

DebbieM said...

I've never done a baby quilt, we have no babies in the family. I love what you did though using some of the pajama flannel from his Mom's into this quilt. So very special it will be to him some day. I loved reading your comments on the book and it sounds so interesting. Anything that can make you smile is good reading.

Luann said...

I have a number of quilts that have been passed down to me in our family. I remember my grandmother tucking us in under layers of them and the comfort they brought on cold winter nights. My daughter was married two weeks ago, and was given a handmade quilt as a gift from a dear friend. I have a keen interest in learning to quilt in hopes that my kids - and hopefully grandkids - will enjoy those same memories as well.

Annmarie said...

I love Marie's books & would love to win her latest - thanks for the chance! I've made several baby quilts for nieces & nephews.I always match the quilt theme with the baby, where they live or the parent's preference. Makes it so nice & personal.

Dora, the Quilter said...

I lost count of how many baby quilts I made at least a couple of decades ago--and I keep making them. I love choosing fabric and planning them almost as much as the piecing and quilting!
Now that I have time to read, I'd love to read Marie's book.

Kd Brown said...

I made some baby quilts a long, long time ago. My favorite had a puppy sound asleep under the covers. Thanks for a great giveaway. :)

Anonymous said...

I make a lot of Baby Quilts for Great Nieces and Great Nephews. The Second Quilt I made was a Baby Quilt and I made another one right afterwards. I would Lovea chance to win Marie Bostwick's new Book, Ties That Bind. I plan to introduce it to my sewing and quilting groups.

Karrie said...

I still have my first baby quilt- green flannel with tiny roses, almost 5 feet long so I could use it as a kid, and there were dogs and cats appliqued on. My grandmother made it in 1979. Thanks for the chance to win the book ;)

ledamewood said...

I have the quilts that my grandmother made for my boys when they were babies. And I also have the quilts my mother made for them as teenagers. Now I'm making quilts for my own grandbaby.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

What great family quilts. I remember all the hoopla surrounding July 4th, 1976. Even the fire hydrants got decorated like colonial figures. I'd love to read her book. She was here yesterday, but, I didn't get to see her.

House of Mouse said...

I can't believe I won the book...what a great way to end my really long work week!!!

Very cool....I always love your give-aways Sandi!!!

Thanks again,


House of Mouse said...

Just wanted to let you know that the book arrived over the weekend and I hope to get started on it soon.

Thanks again Sandi!

My best,


Anonymous said...

Very lovely the quilts! If they didn't take so much time to do, I would definitely make some for my new grandbabies!
-Jackie @ Baby ties

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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