This is a large quilt top, so large that I took the picture quickly as the wind blew it and then it didn't drag on the ground. I suspect it was made in the 1950's. It's another quilt that my dad and mother bought at a farm auction. It's extremely worn but still has such vibrant color to it. It really reminds me of the quilts that the ladies of the United Brethern Church used to make in the church basement. And the walls were pink so it really makes me think back to when I was a kid and my mom would take my sister and me along to the Ladies Aid meetings. But anyway back to this I mentioned, it's worn. In fact, it is so worn that it has been repaired. The original quilter did lovely work on this quilt in the piecing and in the hand-quilting. But some point in time, someone must have wanted to continue using it and so they patched it. Wherever a fabric wore out, they replaced it with a new diamond shaped piece of fabric but they machine-stitched it in place. And so, when you look at the back of the quilt, there is all this machine quilting that shows up and it looks pretty bad. Maybe it was a quilt that was so special that someone knew it needed to be preserved. Once again I just wish I knew whose hands made this original quilt and even whose hands made the repairs. Their names are lost in time but their legacy of stitches continues for me and you to enjoy!

It's Jacquelynne's new book and I had to sit down and take a peek. It is filled with such lovely projects and some recipes that I definitely have to try. I'll have more to share about Jacquelynne's book in a couple of weeks. And I have a couple projects I'm making with her fabrics, so more on that soon, too. Finding time these days is interesting. It's been such a busy summer and my tooth problem did not help. But, I'm finally better. In fact, I am actually writing this post on Friday evening (July 15th) because I want to pre-schedule it. Our Linn Family Reunion is this Sunday/yesterday and so I am leaving for Iowa on Saturday morning. As you read this on Monday morning, I will be traveling home to Minnesota. We are to have record heat all this coming weekend and all through this coming week. I am fine with that because, after all, it is July and July is usually very hot. My favorite time of the year - Fall - is just a few weeks away!! Thank goodness!!! Hope that if you are caught in this heat wave that you have a way to stay cool. Enjoy the day!
That is a stunning quilt and not faded much. Such bright colors. I know you enjoy it.
That is a wonderful quilt!!!
Enjoy your trip!
It is amazing how people will repair quilts, but they probably did it for "need" more than beauty.
Stay cool. I have been hearing of your heat there. It is to be expected in July, but that is still HOT!
Lovely quilt.I hope the reunion was wonderful. Safe trip home.
Can't wait to hear about the reunion...hope you are home safe by now. The quilt on the line is very nice-looking (from what we can see here...since we can't see the patch jobs). I'm sure you will find some nice things to make in that new book, also.
Such a pretty pink quilt,so summer-y! Hope you have a wonderful time at the family reunion.
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