Somehow, I managed to miss posting the Angel block in March. Actually, I posted Audrey and the pattern to my Yahoo group so those who are following Audrey there didn't notice anything was amiss. So, now, before I can post April's Angel, I need to tell you that in March Audrey was singing!

That's right, she was "Singing for Joy" because Spring was just around the corner! In fact there was so much spring in the air and melting of snow, puddles everywhere and so much more sunshine than we usually have in March, that perhaps that is why I missed posting her. I just got caught up in the celebration of Spring! There was a lot to celebrate in March, too.........Women's History Month and National Craft Month, Wooly Buddies 2nd Anniversary, National Quilting day and going off to Heidi's Retreat!! And there were preparations for Easter!! Goodness, no wonder Audrey was singing for Joy!!
The real inspiration, though, for Audrey came from memories of singing with my sister as my Grandma Goldie played the piano. We were a popular duet at local church suppers, bridal showers and such in the '50's. :-) My plan was to post Audrey between my sister's birthday on March 2nd and the date of my Grandma's birthday on the 9th. I was thinking of them alot but I just forgot to post Audrey. :-(
Each of the Angel designs that I have drawn were inspired by someone. In January, I was inspired by my friend Audrey and another friend, Judy, who died of cancer several years ago. In February, I thought of grade school friends and teachers and the fun of Valentines Day. March you already know.......and now comes April.............

Audrey is "Planting seeds of kindness" this month. :-) Inspiration for Audrey came from all my friends.....those who quilt, craft, read, garden, volunteer, you-name-it! It's the time of year when many of us are planting real gardens but there is also the garden of friendship that we are always planting ..... even when we don't know it! Audrey is casting about lots of seeds of friendship and is looking forward to harvesting lots of new friendships and keeping the old friendships, too!

I have stitched all the Angel blocks in Redwork but I did the April one in an alternate version. After tracing the design, I then colored it with high-quality colored pencils (heat seat with iron) and then outline-stitched it in a steel-gray floss. I'm going to make this block into a totebag or notebook cover. I can't decide which it will be but I will make up my mind before the end of the month so I can finish it before the May Angel needs to be posted. I won't forget that one. I can already give you a clue........I was thinking of my mom when I drew the May Angel.
If you are just finding my blog and want to get the patterns in PDF format, just click
here to join my Seasons BOM group. :-)
Tomorrow, I am going to post about some of the Angels in my groups who have sent me gifts and cards in thanks for hosting the group. This was an aspect, I had not expected when I started the Yahoo groups. It's humbling to think that people enjoy something you do that you enjoy doing and then send you something in thanks. I appreciate every gift and comment!
Today, I'm going to work on "wooly projects". I've got those spring tulips that were blooming on teatowels a few weeks ago and I am going to finish them today!
Thank you for reminding us of the many angels around us. If I were to draw a set of angels, one would be Angel Sandi, who gives to everyone freely without expecting anything in return.
Oh they're so gawjus Sandi ... I particularly like the first one - I wonder why lol ;o). Love how you coloured the last one in, it's very effective.
Joy :o)
Angels are wonderful to capture like you have. What a great project. I like to think about angels attending us at times of need. Sometimes when I feel I really need something or someone else needs something I will try to fervently pray for angels to attend. I think we have more power than we know when it comes to asking for angels.
Your angels are wonderful! I do love angels of all kinds!
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