With the door to summer closing, I decided I would bring you one last look at summer's bounty. And thankfully, my friend Joanie has the garden that will allow me to do that!! It was Bible Study today and we were back at her house once again. Last time we were there, she had this beautiful
bouquet on the table. And here is the beautiful bouquet that was on her dining room table today. Isn't it gorgeous?!!
Last month, Joanie gave me a little tour of her garden and I never posted the photos, so here they are. When winter gets long, I can come back to these and be reminded of what spring and summer will bring!
I don't remember what this flower is but she made a point of showing it to me because it has the most amazing petals. Isn't it pretty and delicate?

Joanie and her husband live in the country, so cornfields surround their home but nestled off in one corner is this lovely little garden. I tried to take a picture of Joanie and her husband but little raindrops had begun to fall and I didn't get a good picture. (The raindrops probably had nothing to do with it and instead the poor focus can be attributed to my novice as a photographer.)

Notice there's only half a man next to her garden bench. She bought him at a garage sale and said she just had to put him in her garden.

Here's a close-up. I think he looks like he is preparing to step right out of the earth. Perhaps he is kin to the Jolly Green Giant who was born here in the Minnesota River Valley.
Hee hee!

Joanie has a great sense of humor. This little trio of cottages is the home of the Three Dwarfs. Quite a nice abode, I think.

On the other side of her house is a large flower garden where she can gather the blooms for her bouquets.

I love the old wagon wheels nestled among the flowers and hope I can find some for my gardens when we start our planting next spring.

The little raindrops that were falling were the edge of a brewing storm on that day in August. They look almost as if the fields are on fire and they are rolling clouds of smoke. I got home that day, just before the rains came. So, that was last month and again today, storms were brewing to the west but I took no time to take pictures today. It was a race (I didn't speed) to get home before the heavy rain began. It was quite a storm with wind and rain and lightening and some booming thunder. I love the sound of rain so I curled up on the couch with a book but took a catnap instead. Me thinks, I am a little more tired than I expected after all the quilting activities of the past couple of weeks. I did manage two loads of laundry and a little more sorting of my mail stack but that was all for the day. Finally tomorrow, I will get the photos posted on the Sew and Share site of all the past weekends activities. Sometimes it's okay to just slow the pace and take life a little slower.
What lovely garden pictures. The elves/gnomes are so cute! I love the peaceful feel of your blog Sandi. It is like listening to you talk. I want to know if I can use your poem when I give my trunk show in Feb. The theme is in shadow and light - and in talking about quilts we make in good times and bad. Your poem brings that to life and what a lasting legacy that gives us.
Oh and I do like the new look. That is such a pretty shade of yellow, so peaceful. I'm happy you chose it.
Hi Sandi,
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love your quilt photo on your header! Beautiful. I am getting ready to sew my very first quilt for my granddaughter that will be born late December!
Take Care,
Love the meaning of a LEGACY of Stitches..... lovely sentiment.
What a beautiful garden! and a beautiful bouquet! I have never seen a flower like the one in your first garden photo- I wonder what it is?
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