Saturday, February 28

A visit to the "Chipmunk Theater"

Some of you may remember the pretty picture of the old sled that was on my blog header in December. Well, this is what it looked like after "The Big Snow" we got on Thursday. I snapped this picture just as Jacob, my grandson and I were headed out to eat dinner last night.

It's almost totally buried!!! Fortunately, our neighbor, Jerry, snowplowed his way across the street and plowed out much of our driveway so I didn't have to shovel a path to the mailbox. And because he did that, I was able to take Jacob for a treat and when Steve got home today he was able to get in the garage. I called to give my thanks but just want to say "Hi" to Cathy and Jerry and "thank you" again!! Now if you all want to know what Jacob and I have been working on you will want to visit us here ....... at the "ChipmunkTheater".
Of course, I've squeezed in work on my crazy quilting projects and there was laundry and cleaning, too, but mainly we had fun!! :-) I will not get my BOM posted by tomorrow and so please bear with me, be patient, etc. and I will publish them next Sunday, March 8th and e-mail the blocks to all of you on the list. It's possible I'm trying to do too many things, but February is a short month so I'll blame it on that!! :-)


Red Geranium Cottage said...

WOW that is some serious snow!! Cant see the sled.

Anonymous said...

the snow looks lovely!!!
so glad you had a great time and some wonderful neighbors to help you out.

Pat said...

WOW.....too much snow for me, but I'm glad you have such kind, helpful neighbors. I'm off to church now but will check out Chipmunk Theater when I return! HELLO to Jacob for me!

Cathy said...

Looks like how much we got here too, around 8-10 inches of snow. And I thought Spring was almost here..HA..not in Minnesota! LOL

You are a great Grandmother! sure do some fun things. If I was a little kid I would love going to your house to play and hang out with you. (smile)

Cathy in Savage MN

Sara said...

Glad we didn't get all that snow. I am getting pretty sick of it! Hope you are staying warm!

Madi said...

whats funny .. is we are predictd to get 8 inches here in SC tonight.. they have already canceled school.. and we ran out to get our milk.. and bread..because the whole town shuts down..

xashee's corner said...

the snow does look pretty but sorry you have to put up with more of it! Spring IS coming!! :) i LOVE Chipmunk theater!! GREAT job! and thank you for sharing the smiles! :) Have a GREAT weekend!

Kaye said...

Sandy, how do I change m y e mail for Wooly Buddies? It was but I have switched to looks like you had a great time with your Grandson. In April I will babysit the 3 boys from NY and with the 2 that live here, we will have a great time. You gave me a good idea to plan some crafts, and that will keep them off the video games for a bit!

Gayle said...

Love that chipmunk theater!

Ira said...

I want to see the snow. We don't have a snow at least for 3 years (in Israel).

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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