Wednesday, December 31

Happy New Year! and time to "Whirl into Winter"!!!

It's December 31st and time to usher in a new year! Here's wishing you warmth, friendship, shelter, food and all that will make you happy in the coming year!

*H A P P Y *N E W *Y E A R *! ! !

* * * * * * * * * *

It's also time to post the items that I have gathered for the ......
"Whirl into Winter Giveaway!!"

And here they are! There's a little something for everyone in this assortment. For those who enjoy scrapbooking there's a pad of pretty blue and white papers and some envelopes for creating custom cards. There's a little snowman photo/scrapbook to journal about favorite winter memories and some stickers to decorate the pages. There are some candles to light the night if a winter storm leaves you with a power outage (not fun) and if you live where there is no snow, well, I have provided you with a giant glittery snowflake to hang that will remind you of all of us who are knee deep or more in snow and ice this winter!!! There are little boxes filled with sweet treats and a tiny tin filled with some little surprises. And then there are three matching snowflake tins filled with more surprises!! The tins may match but each is a different size and each holds a different surprise. Are you wondering what might be in the tins? Here's a clue.......soft and nice to touch. No, it's not a rabbit in a tin but if you want to find out what is in the each one, check back on the days I'll be posting their contents and each one will be a "Snowflake Surprise"!!!! I'll reveal what is in the tins on separate days - Tin #1 will be revealed on Jan. 5th, Tin # 2 on Jan. 10th and Tin #3 on Jan. 15th. So, how can you win this batch of goodies? Well, here are my rules..............

1. Leave a comment on this post for one chance to enter. Your comment must include a link to your blog or an e-mail address. If you do not leave a contact link, your comment will not be entered in the drawing.

2. You may begin leaving comments at midnight tonight - in other words when Dec. 31 ends and Jan. 1 begins, you can leave me a comment. I will be taking comments through midnight Jan. 15th and will draw the name then and post it on Jan. 16th.

3. Your comment must include the answer to the following question - "Have you ever seen snow?" Then if you want to tell me more, I'd love to hear it but that's all it takes to get a chance to win the goodies you see in the picture.

4. If you check back on the 5th, the 10th and the 15th of January to see what is in each of the tins, you may leave a comment each of those days and so you can get your name in the drawing at least three more times!

All bloggers - U.S.A. and International - are welcome to leave comments. Hope that covers everything!! Oh, one more thing!!! I will be posting some free patterns, tips and things every other day or so between now and January 15th so stop back often and see what's new!!

Have a safe and *H A P P Y *N E W* Y E A R *! ! !

P.S. We are staying in tonight, too cold to go anywhere
although my husband has gone to run errands and get
more cold meds for me. Bummer to have picked up this cold.
I have a winner, Mary ..............."The Needled Mom"!!!


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knitwit said...

Happy New Year Sandi. Hope you're soon feeling better. Lots of snow and COLD in S. Ontario. Ruth

simplestitches said...

Hi, and Happy New Year!

Love your giveaway, totally awesome.

Don't usually get snow here where I live, but occasionally we do.

I love it when we do, as the kids just go crazy...snowball fights, building tiny little snowman (as there usually isn't much to use), and getting freezing cold fingers and toes! Going home for piping hot coffee or chocolate for the kids.

cheers Julz

Debbie said...

Hi Sandi, first time I found you blog. I live in Queensland, Australia and the last few days it has been extremely hot 40deg. I have seen snow in Victoria but they actually use a snow machine for the ski slopes, I was so excited to see it, it was -5deg and I thought that was cold. My husband is from Cornwall and can't understand why i get excited about seeing snow.Hapy New year.Deb.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sandi, Happy New Year to You.We live by the coast, it can be very bitter in Winter, as to Snow we have to travel some three to fours away.One Year we took our DD and because she is such a grand horserider she took to skiing like a duck to water.She was a natural.As to me I sat in the Chalet by the fire with a Hot Chocolate and read a book.DH and DD had a wonderful day.Regards Lyn

Anonymous said...

Sandi, I forgot to add it is 12.32 on the 1st January Australian time

Pat said...

LOVE the quilty snowmen in the photo at the top of your blog, Sandi. I'm also participating in the Whirl Into blogger that I I"m really excited to be a part of it. I only decided just a few days ago to get involved, so I don't have a photo yet of my prize.....but it will be 4 FQ's, a pattern and some other goodies. What FUN!!! Happy New Year! a wooly pattern for Christmas and posted on the wooly board about it. :)

Daisy Jayne said...

I live in South Australia, Australia and the last few days it has been extremely hot. I have never seen real snow, I have seen a machine for an ski slope in a building .I would like to one day see real snow.Happy New year.

Unknown said...

We went to Montana for our honeymoon in January, so yes, I've seen amazing snow! I love snow!!

la_rubicita at yahoo dot com

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

ggiirrlll-I am from East Texas. I have seen snow, but not very much. Great GiveAway. Can't wait to see what is in all these darlin boxes.

Joyce said...

Great giveaway! I have seen snow, way more than I care too. I've lived in Ohio for 58 years .... sometimes it's fun to watch if fall and sometimes it's a pain if you need to out on the roads. I still love snow!

WhiteStone said...

Have I ever seen snow? You are serious, right? Snow!!!!! This part of the country INVENTED snow! It flurries, it blizzards, it blows! Already we've shoveled and shoveled and shoveled. And, oh, yes, I've built my snowman for the year. You can see her (the blonde snowperson) at my blog. Come on over!

Cathi said...

What a super giveaway.
Have we seen snow?? We live in southern Ontario, Canada and oh, do we ever see snow. We had a ton of it before Christmas. White Christmas is pretty -- but I wish it would leave on Boxing Day!

laurie in maine said...

I live in Maine...I've never NOT seen snow! (Although the year we got married- 1982 was the openest winter ever. Almost no snow that year even in the White Mountains of NH ;) Have been visiting all the blogs as they popped up with a link...will be back!
walton521 @

Shari said...

Happy Quilty 2009! I grew up in Nebraska so yes I have seen lots of snow! I now live in Perth Western Australia and my two youngest girls have never seen snow. And I'll tell you a secret, I don't miss snow at all! Sending warm thoughts you way...

Fee said...

Hi Sandi,

Yes I have seen snow and have played in it :)) Our local mountain regularly gets snow in the winter and it is a popular spot for locals and ourists to visit.



Lissa Jane said...

snow?? um whats that??? its over 100F here at the moment in NSW Australia... we have a hot day, with hot winds and to top it off, a bushfire nearby.. welcome 2009 aussie style!

I would love to see snow one day, we do get snow in our state, but the snow season is very short, 10hours away and VERY expensive... one day I'd like to see it!

Happy 2009 to you!!!!

in sunny hot windy and smokey australia!

Mel said...

Hi Sandi!
Yes, I have seen snow. I've grown up and continue to live in Utah. I LOVE snow December to February, after that I curse the stuff!!

Happy New Year friend!

Canarella said...

I have seen conquered and played in the snow and god love it glad to be in california as of late...god bless and happy new year

May Britt said...

Happy new year to you.
If I ever seen snow. Norway has a lot of snow and like now it can be very freezing cold (minus 23 C today) I am not very fond of skiing but I love taking walks in the wonderful white landscape (when it is not so cold)

What is an Ostomy said...

Happy new year. I do see snow in Colorado USA. I'd love to participate in your giveaway.

Kritta22 said...

I have seen snow! I live in of lots of snow! :) In fact, I have about 3 feet in my yard right now.

I'm so sorry you have a cold.

I'm excited for your lessons!!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a lovely group of prizes.

Happy New Year!

Yes I've definitely seen snow...I grew up in Montreal Canada! Now being in the UK I'm lucky to see snow fall once a year. :o)

Sherri said...

I used to live in Minnesota and YES I have seen snow!!! I remember driving through canyons of snow where the snowblowers had carved a path through giant snowdrifts.

I also remember 36" of snow that fell on Halloween!

I moved to California ten years ago and didn't see 'real' snow until one March at a renaissance faire where they got over eight inches of snow! You'd have to have been there to imagine what a mess that was! lol

Kay said...

Living in Wyoming, I've grown up with snow. It's snowing right now! Happy New Year to everyone-Hugs Kay M. (

Marit Johanne said...

Thank you for sharing all these gifts in your give away. I live in Norway and have seen snow! I live in the southern part of Norway and we don't always have much snow. Some years there can be too much and others just for some days or so. Right now we have a light cover with snow so it is white.
Happy new year to you!

Julie said...

loving your giveaway!
it used to snow where we lived when i was a child and i absolutely loved it!
hope your cold gets better real soon,
take care, julie

Anya said...

Great giveaway! Yes, I've seen snow every winter of my 50 years.

Sue Cahill said...

Not only have I seen snow but I love it! Lots of it, living in Western NY I get my share every year, yesterday we got 10 inches.
Your giveaway looks like lots of fun and I'll be back to see what is in the tins!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Betsy said...

I have seen and lived in snow. I prefer my warm sunny florida sky.

Juli said...

It has been so long since I have actually seen snow "for real". I used to live in Illinois...20 years....but for the past 14, have been living in the "south"....Florida, Virginia, and now South, other than frozen water falling out of the sky, only to melt when it touches the ground, it's been a while.

Anonymous said...

Snow..we get more than enough of it! I saw it snowing last night!!
Happy New Year!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

We moved to Florida in 1982 from Connecticut. We saw lots of snow then. We spent 2 winters in Upstate New York back in 2000-2001 and saw more snow than I ever want to see again. We were right outside of Fort Drum off Lake Ontario. Way too much lake effect snow for me!

Myra said...

Happy New Year! Yes, I have seen snow. We don't get as much as I would like here in NC but I do love to see a good snow in the winter.

Karen said...

Your "snowy giveaway" is great! I have seen snow many times in Oklahoma. Since we don't get it often, it's a thrill each time :)
I enjoy your blog so much! Karen

Tina said...

As a child I saw snow every year. Iloved it. Living here in Florida I hardly ever see it.
Happy New Year.

Tangos Treasures said...

Yippiee thank you for the chance to win!!
Yes I've seen snow, shoveled snow, drove in snow. Had snow stuffed down my back ekkkk LOL used to live in NJ gots lots of snow!!! Our big snow here in NC was in 1989 yikes 15 inches!! Our town is not equipted to handle all that!
Hugs Tango

Kaye said...

Yes, I sure have. When I lived in NY I saw lots and lots of the white stuff. Loved it when I had kids at home but now have all the fun memories.

~Bren~ said...

Snow??? Does the 18 inches that were in my front yard last week count?? We see snow!!!!
Great giveaway!

Pat said... is my Jan. 1 official entry comment for you nice prize......I HAVE seen snow...more than I cared to see many winters in NJ. Now, though, we live in southern Delaware and while we do have 4 seasons, we see little snow...and that is FINE by me!!! :)

Go to my blog if you want to enter for my prize in Whirl into Winter.
(click on my name above to get to my blog)

Carla said...

Great give-away thanks! I'm in Florida now but yes, I've seen snow. So deep one winter it covered our car. Hooray for Florida

Kelly Grace said...

Have I seen snow? All I need to do is look out the window. We are lucky with only about an inch on the ground, but we do get lots in Ohio!

SRK Quilts said...

First time at your site and love it. Have I ever seen snow? Plenty over the years, since we lived in Colorado for so long. I love the glistening pure white of fresh fallen snow. Don't love shovelling, but love to watch it fall and run and jump in it. We've had so much fun sledding, tubing and skiing with our children in the snow, it brings back warm (no pun intended) memories for us all. Love the snow and now live in the desert where snowfall is a rare event, but when it does come, it's still just as beautiful.

Nihal said...

new page...
new story...
new day...
new you...
new year...

May 2009 bring you peace, joy and prosperity, dear Sandi. Please give all of my best wishes to your Family as well.

**Mutlu Yillar** Cheers

PS- I LOVED your fam photos in the following posts. Jacob is so sweet, give a hug to your granson for me:) And, ohh... your elegant Mother M Lynn there, say I said a smiling broad Hello for her.

Jackie's Stitches said...

I have seen snow but as I have lived most of my life in Florida, it hasn't happened often.

Happy New Year and thank you for the contest!

Three Birds Inspired said...

I have seen snow several times this year already but no BIG SNOW and that is what I am waiting for!!

Simone de Klerk said...

All the best wishes for you, Sandi! Yes, I have seen snow. Quite frequently, actually. Even at the end of 2008 (pictures on my blog). you have some gorgeous giveaways. Look forward to your free pattern, tips etc and what is hidden in the tins!
BTW, love your beagle. We have one too, almost nine and getting old. Somehow they can look so sad!

Carlotta said...

Happy New Year to you! I have seen lots of snow. I grew up in NY City, and can remember many snow days and snowball fights.

GoldenThreads said...

In 1989, my nearly 9yr old daughter prayed, & believed, she would see snow on her birthday. Talk about child like faith. We live in north Florida, where it is extremely rare to ever have any snow fall, let alone enough to cover the ground.

Sure enough, on her birthday, December 22, we awoke to falling snow, and a snow covered lawn. It wasn't long before we had little Floridian Snowmen.

As expected, the electricity was out for several days. We had neither a fire place, or a gas heater. We had 4 young children, including an infant that was 2 weeks old.

However, despite it all, I will never forget the precious memories of that year. With faith renewed, I remember sitting by the Christmas tree with our little family, and singing Christmas carols by candlelight as I played the autoharp.

Yes, we had snow. (=


Nancy said...

Happy New Year!! I love snow as long as I don't have to go anywhere!! lol We have already had 2-3 inches in December. Hopefully that will be it for the season, but I doubt it....

CuteStuffInside said...

Snow? I'm looking at snow right now and it's really cold here in Norwalk, CT, USA - 18 degrees F - Brrrrrrr! Please enter me. Happy New Year.


Terri S said...

Oh yes, I've seen snow!! Here in mid Michigan, we had the second highest snowfall on record in December!!

kc said...

Happy New Year, Sandi!!! I really like the snowmen at the top of your blog.

I used to live in snowy winter country, but I've been in Florida for many years. I was here and watched it snow in South Florida in 1977. Two years ago, I went to Europe. It was May, but there was snow on the mountains. I threw a snowball at my brother, for old times' sake!

cassanello at comcast dot net

crafty diane said...

Yes, I've seen snow. It has only snowed a few times here in Alabama in my life time, but I lived in Alaska for three months during January, February, and March one year and discovered that although the snow is beautiful I do not care to deal with it every day.
Have a Blessed New Year!

Lori Lynn said...

Have I ever seen snow!! Ha! One look at my recent blog photos will answer that question! We had a VERY white Christmas this year!!!
Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

In Southeastern Virginia, I have seen snow, but not in the past 5 please send snow soon! I am snow deprived. No pun intended.

Love your giveaway..How creative!


Beth said...

what a lovely, lovely giveaway!
living in wisconsin, yes I have seen snow. We had our first snow fall of the winter on Thanksgiving this year, so we had two white holidays! Last week I think we got about a good 13 inches in one day!

Carrie P. said...

Wow, what a giveaway you are having. I am new to blogging and this looks like a lot of fun. Yes, I have seen snow. The first time I saw snow was when I was a child in California and I saw flurries. The second time I saw snow was in Missouri. A whole lot then. Now I live in NC and we do snow just about every year. Happy New Year.

xashee's corner said...

oh YES we have seen snow all too recently in the high desert of Southern California!! lol over a foot of it, actually! sure hope you feel better soon (no fun being ill) Thank you so very much for this FUN chance to win!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

Sara said...

Yes, I have seen snow - and can see it right now outside my window. I love Snow!

annemarie said...

What a great giveaway - I grew up in southern Minnesota so I have definitely seen my share of snow - and shoveled my share of snow - and enjoyed my share of snow! I live in Texas now and yes, I do miss the snow. Happy New Year -

andsewon said...

Was snowing in MI when I came into the world!! Then snowed reg where I was rasied in IN. I still love to see it from my nice warm window but no longer can play in it;-(.
Oh well nice reason to stay in and stitch!!
Happy New Year and hope you feel better soon!

ljeanne said...

I live in Georgia, but have seen enough snow to wish I lived in a colder climate. Maybe I would just like a trial period, say for one winter? LOL

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaway prizes. I have seen snow many times. A lot more when I was a kid. I remember it usually started snowing around Thanksgiving and we had snow usually until the end of February into March sometimes. I loved it but then I was just a kid. The climate in IN sure has changed.

Karen in IN

PS I am also participating in the giveaway. Jump to my blog and check it out.

Shannon said...

Happy New Year!
I grew up in Florida until I was 22 and then moved to Hawaii for a year. I then moved to San Diego for a year. After that my husband was transferred to Virginia. On our trip their we stopped at the Grand Canyon (in March) and there was snow everywhere! I was 24 years old. The next winter in Virginia I saw snow fall for the first time. It was beautiful. I miss the chance for it.

Happy New Year!

Kim said...

Love your giveaway. SNOW they said on the news last night we had 38 days of at least a trace of snow or more. Snowiest December for Minnesota. But I love the snow as long as I don't have to drive in it :)

Sue said...

YES! I've seen snow. I love the snow. I've lived my whole life in northern Illinois, so snow is a regular part of our winter.

Happy New Year!

Juli said...


I really enjoy your blog. I live in Alberta so unfortunately I've seen lots of snow.


Quilter's Delight said...

enter my name in your Whirl into Winter giveaway. thanks.

Yes, I've lived with snow all my in the midwest walked in knee-deep snow many times.
Happy New Year!

Maribeth said...

Here in the mitten state (Michigan), we usually have a snowy winter. Today it's 22 degrees-perfect for a little more snow!

Cathy said...

You giveaway sounds great! Yes, I have seen snow...It is snowing like crazy here right now and there are 3 ft. banks of snow lining my driveway!! :)

Marie said...

Yes I have seen snow here on the coast and in the mountains

CJ said...

Yes I have seen snow! I am looking at it right now as a matter of fact. LOVE SNOW!
thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca said...

Yes, I've seen snow - there's about 4 feet of it oustide my window right now.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Yes, I've seen snow! 6 feet deep and cold. I'm originally from Wisconsin and our home there was about 1/2 mile from Lake Superior, cold winters up there! Rae Ann

ponderpiggy said...

"Have you ever seen snow?"

While growing up in So Calif, we had a mountain cabin (complete with outhouse!)...and I loved to be there in the snow.

And, we'd get snow maybe once a year in the high desert. My folks just had 18 inches about 2 weeks ago!

We do get snow here in north central TX too...usually ice/sleet, but had about 12" or so last year.

Sally in TX

Unknown said...

WOW another big giveaway. I'm loving blogspot. I see snow weekly. I live in the NC mountains. LOVE IT. or said...

Your blog giveaway looks awesome!
I would love to be included please.

Have I seen snow? Yes, saw some yesterday while I was setting up my blog giveaway....I say there can never be enough snow!!!
Peggy in NJ

Gerry said...

HI Sandy! Happy New Year. This is a great give-away.

And yes, I've seen snow, I've cursed snow, I've eaten snow, and I've built snow forts. LOL.

But to watch the pure awe in someone's eyes when they see it and touch it for the first time makes me realize how wonderful it truly is.

cpullum said...

Happy New year!
Count me in!!!
We got snow for the first time in 20 years and it was a whirl wind!

Anna said...

I have seen snow. Eastern NC doesn't see alot of snow thank goodness.

Unknown said...

I can see snow at this very moment. We have had too much for Seattle folk already this winter.

Leah said...

I HAVE seen snow but it is rare here in Texas. Though, where I lived in college it did snow a lot. I like the snow and being able to wear warm coats and scarves and come inside from the cold. it's also nice to look out at the snow from a warm house and see it falling gently to the ground.

Happy New Year!

PS I'm giving away something too so swing by my blog to enter if you haven't already

Anonymous said...

I live in Minnesota so YES, I have seen snow. Some years it piles up to the tops of our cars and some years it is less than a foot on the ground most of the time.

The Yellow Spoon said...

What a fun giveaway!

I have definitely seen snow. My first winter in Boston I made fun of an impending snowstorm (called a Nor'Easter up there) and then we got about 30 inches of snow! I never made fun of a Nor'Easter again! Have a wonderful new year.

The Yellow Spoon

Renee G said...

Have you ever seen snow like this before? We've had 60 inches so far this year, and it's snowing again. Although it's beautiful, I'm ready for a break in the snow.


Beth said...

YES!!!! I'm seeing it right now!

Anonymous said...

I see snow every winter, sometimes a little and sometimes a lot. This year-way to much!!! LOL I love containers-tin, wood, etc. My son says I'm a packrat :)

Annette said...

I'm looking out my window and I see lots and lots of snow. I sure is pretty, but I'm glad I'm indoors. brrr..
Happy New Year.

Danetta said...

Not only have I seen snow, I have seen perfectly formed snowflakes!

The Teacup Cottage said...

Wow Sandi! Aren't you just making friends fast! I've lived south Texas my entire life and have had the random snow storm, but never anything like they see in the north. It never stays on the ground very long.

I hope your holidays were great. I'll drop in again soon dear friend ...


Kimberly said...

Have I ever seen snow...? Yep, looking out my window right now! It's the first white Christmas in Abbotsford, B.C. in over 30 years!

Your giveaway looks just great! Please enter me...

Blessings, Kimberly

rachel griffith said...

have i seen snow???
oh lord yes.
it's ALL around me.
gotta love ohio.

thanks for hosting.

PunkiePie (Jen) said...

Count me in! I see snow today. It snowed for our last day in 2008. And more to come tomorrow.

Jen :)

Codi said...

Well, yes i have seen snow, the last time was when my husband took me to the snow for my birthday, but threw a snowball in my eye, which i get to bring up when ever we talk about the snow. Which isn't too often in the winterless southern california.

i would love to be enetered for this, my blog is
and my email is

VickiT said...

Oh my gosh have I ever seen snow? WAY too much this past December. This past December we had freezing rain, sleet, zero-visibility fog, torrential rain, flooding AND somewhere near 45inches of snow with -30 below zero wind chill temps. Oh and I forgot the 40mph winds causing blizzard conditions too. I THINK it's called winter but considering we've had the mess from all other seasons mixed into one, I had to keep checking my calendar. LOL Gosh, it was a fun month.

Anyone want some snow? Come on over and you can take it.


Marilyn Robertson said...

Yes, I have seen lots of snow this Winter! Thanks for entering me into your giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I've seen snow and I don't like it. Thats why I live in Southern California


Linda T said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! Lots of fun! Have I seen snow? Absolutely! Here in Ontario we are usually up to our eyeballs in the stuff - and I love it!

Becky said...

Hi Sandy! Glad to have discovered your blog. Thanks for your generosity. Yes, I have seen snow, but not "Big Snow." I live in Atlanta. We occasionally get snow, but just several inches. We do love it anyway.

Decor To Adore said...

Great giveaway! Mine starts on Friday so please stop by.

May the new year hold many wonderful possibilities for you.

Terry said...

Great giveaway! Thanks so much! And yes I've seen in Ohio it we get more than enough of the white stuff!

Unknown said...

I live in Illinois, of course I've seen snow! I've eaten it too! We make snow ice cream each year, from the cleanest, first snow!

Unknown said...

Oopsies, forgot my email.
beastbunny @

Janet said...

I live with snow--being that I'm in the far north. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sandi!
Your blog is one of my favorites.
To answer the questions: We have snow in the east of Austria twice a year (never on christmas eve). But we already had enough to build a snowman in october and we had some snowing before christmas.
I love snow, I yould like to have some more.

sewing_passion said...

I have seen snow - lots and lots of snow!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Sandi, love the way your doing your giveaway.
I have seen snow, even though we very seldom get it. Matter of fact we received some this year for the first time in a while. I posted pictures a couple of post back.
I'll be back,

Rita E in AZ said...

I have seen snow and I love it.
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com

Needled Mom said...

How clever to keep us all in suspense. I will be checking back and yes, I have seen snow. I lived in it until I was a teenager. I am glad to NOT be there now.

Lynn Osborne said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Living in Florida, I've only had the chance to see snow twice while traveling. Lynn

Lynn Osborne said...

Whoops, just left my comment and made a mistake in my email. Should be, not Lynn

Shawnee said...

Your such a sweetheart such a fun giveaway! I hope you enjoy your new year!

Shawnee of and

Alice I. said...

Hi Sandi! Happy New Year. Let's see. It was actually 6 years ago to the day, that I left So. Calif. (where I was born and raised) and moved to Maryland, leaving behind all those I loved to marry and be with hubby. Two months later, we were pounded with a big snowstorm and couldn't get out and about for 4 days. That was my very first encounter with snow. I loved it (until it became cold, dirty slush!) Haven't seen anything like it since. Maybe this year? Please enter me in your drawing!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! I have seen snow, although not tons of it. I've lived in the South my whole life, so most years there's not too much snow.

kathipink said...

Have I seen snow???

Wow, we have lived in Oklahoma City, Dallas, Salt Lake City, and Kansas City among others. These, however, have all had snows while we were there.

libertythreads said...

Yes, I have seen plenty of snow. We lived in IN, CO, MI, IA, MN and OH. Lots of snow!
Please enter me in your great giveaway.

Ruby said...

Yes I have seen snow, but have to travel to see it! Thanks for entering me in your drawing! You are very generous

Robin said...

Yes, I have seen snow! Just yesterday we got a few inches here on Long Island, NY and there's more forcast for later this weekend! Great giveaway..makes me wonder what's in those little packages!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have seen snow...not too much this year but i am sure it is coming!

Loralynn said...

Most definately...yes! In fact, as I look out my window, at my Daughter's swing set, it is covered in white! Here in Michigan we see lots of snow!

CrookedQuilter said...

Yes, I see snow all around - we have had 40 inches this last month. said...

We barely get a few flakes if we are lucky a year. But I remember as a small child my granny going outside and putting a metal bowl on the ground to catch snow and mking cream. This was in Piedmont, Alabama. A great place to grow up.

Thank you for entering me in your contest and here is my blog where there is a free give a way also.
Chris Wheeler

Tim said...

I hope you feel better. It is very cold here in Maine as well. Thanks for the giveaway. This would make my quilting wife very happy.

Pat said...

Have I seen snow? Yes I have. I live in upstate NY. We have lots of snow. Love your give away. Please add me to the draw. Thanks and Happy New Year.

Debi said...

Yes, I have seen snow, I lived in WI for 15 years, NJ for 8 years and WA state for 5 years...more snow than I every wanted to see! Love you giveaway.

Sequana said...

Happy New Year......*S*

I live in Chicago, have for most of my life. I've seen more snow than I even wanted to.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I live outside of chicago and have my whole life. I have seen enough snow for all of us. I love your header, so very cute.

Linda in PA said...

I have lived in snowy areas my whole life. I grew up in the snowbelt of western NY, went to college in Buffalo and have lived in PA for almost 37 years.

Samantha said...

Hey Sandi- Happy New Year!
Have I ever seen snow- well yes, many time, and sometimes it was beautiful and lovely, and other times it was quite unwelcomed!!
Thanks for the giveaway!

hetty said...

Happy New Year! This is my first time to visit your blog. So nice of you to have this giveaway. I love snow! We have lots of it here. In fact, it is snowing as I write this.

tisme said...

I love your package! I live in PA and yes, it snows!
This is such a great way to see so many blogs.

Pinky said...

Happy New Year! Yes I've seen snow but living here in Eastern Washington we don't get much of it. ~Karleen

Amy said...

I've seen snow...but I'd like to get a little more!!
Love your give-a-way!

Thanks much!

amy dot woods at unt dot edu

Rachael said...

My growing up included living in such states as Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and WYOMING! Now I live in Michigan. I've seen lots and lots of snow!

Barb said...

Happy New Year to you Sandi! Please enter me in your "Whirl into Winter". I am a PA gal and "YES" snow is something I truly love and I do see it during the winter months, the more the better! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for SNOW! I was born and raised in Michigan and now am married to a wonderful Aussie man living in hot steamy Brisbane, Queensland, Australia! It's summer here now and it is HOT! I'd love some snow...please send me some! :)

Happy New Year!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs

Michelle said...

Thanksk for a fun giveaway! Yes, I've seen lots of snow...we've lived all over the country with the military. We love snow!

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway!! Have I ever seen snow. How about over 50cm just in December!!

Jeanne said...

Oh, boy! We almost broke the snow total for December in 2008! I live in Michigan so I've seen a lot of snow. Please add my name to the drawing and Happy New Year.

bettsylyn (Lynda) said...

I was nearly 30 years old before I saw snow - and that was in Japan. A few years later I saw snow in Switzerland and finally saw Australian snow just after that. Since then I have been snowless, but right now in hot Queensland I think I could tolerate the snowy temperatures.

Karen S said...

Snow! We've seen too much this year here in Michigan! When I was in high school 20 years ago I had a friend named Merry. She was an exchange student from Australia. She would stay up all night just to see snow whenever the weatherman forcast flurries! By the end of winter, she too was sick of snow!

Raggy Rat said...

i saw snow in my childhood when i lived up north, wish i couls show some to my children !

cat xxx

Tilde said...

Lovely give-away !
And yes, I have seen snow. Almost every winter of my life ... and these past couple of winters, somewhat more than I care for, seeing that I live in a city and have to clear the pavement around our corner house. BUT ... it looks lovely and is fun for kiddies to fool around in.

Kat said...

There's no snow in my part of the world (philippines), but i went to switzerland last november, and i stayed in the alps. the snow was unbelievable...and of course i went ballistic *lol*


Your New Home Awaits said...

Have I ever seen snow-- Every year of my life! This year in Northern NY we have about 2 1/2 feet in the yard right now. We get tons of snow from every weather systems that moves over the great lakes and deposits right into my neck of the woods.

It's a good thing I love snow.

Mary said...

Yes! I've seen PLENTY of snow! Grew up in Minnesota or should I say... Minn-e-snowta!! Now that I'm down in the deep south (Georgia) only see a few flakes now and then.

digifigi said...

Sandi, this is a great blog!!
Of course I've seen snow, having spent the last 9 years in Minnesota. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much in our part of New Jersey, but there's still hope.
I miss the snow, it does bring out the flake in me. I miss seeing hoar frost on naked trees, bringing shimmering white to the countryside.
sigh, digifigipam in NJ

Anonymous said...

Grew up with snow in NJ -- glistening in the sun, lovely!
Thanks for the giveaway fun...

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Have I seen Snow? Growing up in MN?
When I was a kid, I recall opening the front door and having to dig out way out... Snowmobiling, snowball fights, sledding.... yep. picking the frozen gobbs of snow frozen to your socks and gloves, hair etc...Ice skating on the lakes, and listening to the ice crack...
Yes sireee, seen snow. LOTS.


Unknown said...

Growing up and now living in Chicago, we see lots of snow. We usually get one good snowstorm before the holidays.

Grateful Gramma said...

Yep. When I looked out the window this morning. :-)

free indeed said...

I have seen snow my entire life! In northern Maine, it's hard to get away from the stuff and winter lasts from Nov to April...way too long....Born raised and married here so no choice of locales. I would miss snow for Christmas if I lived someplace warmer, so would ideally like to live in the mts of Tenn/Virginia? to get the best of both worlds. Lovely gift choices!

Chris said...

Have I ever seen snow? 8 months out of the year!! We are in cold weather clothes more than summer.....

Danielle said...

Yes I've seen snow, On my way to work thing morning and many other days.

LesleyAnn said...

Well, I have seen my fair share of snow and cold here in Iowa!! I love the first snowfall every year, but then it gets old after much shoveling, snowy driving, etc. Happy New Year!!

Celeste said...

I have NEVER seen snow!! I have lived in Florida my whole life, so the only snow I've seen is on television!!

contact me at:

Moneik said...

I live in SD so we see snow on a regular basis. I love the light falling snow, but am not a fan of blizzards (unless I have no where to go and can stay in and sew!)

Anonymous said...

Love your Giveaway also. Yes we get our sure of snow here in Missouri. I DO NOT LIKE IT.


lrmart said...

I've seen snow twice in my lifetime
once in 1976 and 1989. It doesn't snow much in Central Florida..

Donna said...

living on the cold canadian prairies I spend a good deal of my year with snow, and temperatures colder than a deep freeze... I love the stark white look!

Brooke said...

What a fun giveaway! Very clever!

Yes I have seen snow...we have to drive about 2 hours to get to it but it's worth every minute! The kids just love the snow we try to get to it about 2 times during the winter!

Thank you so much for the chance and can't wait to see what is in the other tins!

Have a lovely New Year!

Mary L. said...

Hi Sandi, what a fun idea!

We've had snow already here in S.E. Kansas. But we don't get much each year and that's just fine with me. I spent my first 40 years in Iowa and saw all the snow I need to see!

House of Mouse said...

Happy New Year....

I grew up in Colorado and now live in Oregon....this is the first year we have EVER had this much know here in Oregon. On Christmas Day, we have well over 3 feet in our yard. No power and was I grumpy!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Growing up in Washington State and now living in Colorado I have seen more snow than I care to. I can't wait for summer to be back.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have seen snow many times, but I live in the south of Sweden and here is only snow now and then.
Tonight it´s -10C but no snow, longing for it, lights up the world....

Guilitta said...


Yes and I drove ski many years. I hope you understand me, my english isn´t good.


Winona said...

Yes, I am from northwest Missouri. I have seen plenty of snow. You have an exciting give away.

Karen said...

Your giveaway is so great!! I lived in snow in Ohio for more years than I can count-LOL!! Now I am smart and have moved to AZ. I can take a ride to see snow if I miss it!
Karen K

Jo Anne said...

Have I ever seen snow? Only more than 5 feet of it in the last 2 weeks! And it just keeps coming.

Q said...

I have seen snow and love being in it. We are expecting some snow early next week. I am looking forward to it!

Tudy said...

Yes we have had snow and sometimes a lot but right now we only have a few inches on the ground here in Ohio.

Please enter me in your drawing.

I am new to blogs but hope to have my own soon.

Lory said...

Would you believe me when I say I've never come into contact with snow??? It's true, I've always lived where it's hot, even though I love the cold. Does seeing snow count? I saw it one time through the window of a hotel where my family and I stayed at in Chicago. Except at first I thought it was rain, but it looked more dense. I was 9, I loved it!!!

Please sign me up for the giveaway, I love the items!!!


Paula said...

We have seen snow! For the first time in long time, it snowed here in Houston! It was a really big deal! Thanks for the great give away!

calicodaisy said...

I have seen snow, I just don't like to see it arrive in force in South Carolina. Things get crazy in the south when the white stuff lands. -- Michele

BarefootThunder said...

hope you feel better soon, and yes I have seen snow, I have lived in maine, massachusetts, and new york. I have seen snow!!!
nice of you to start this giveaway

Michelle Greene said...

Hi there!! What a great give-away...I do like snow I don't love it...I grew up in Cleveland, OH so I lived with it for 21 years...I live down south now so I may get to see a few flurries...Happy New Year

Karen said...

I live in NE PA and yes I have seen snow. We got a couple of inches on Wed. with a fresh dusting tonight! I love the snow! Winter is so dreary without it to brighten up our world!

Ann said...

I have seen snow, I have dreamed of snow and until I hit 50 I loved walking barefoot in the snow. Thanks for the NY fun
aunt ann 11 at yahoo dot com

Is it an omen that my word verification for this comment was quiltyt?

Nikki said...

Yes! Even though I grew up in the Phoenix desert, I saw snow on several vacations (my grandparents lived in Vermont!) and I later moved to the mountains East of Albuquerque just before their worst winter in 30 years. It snowed 24 inches in one day and kept coming down! I loved every minute of it, because I'd never seen that much before. :-)

Thanks for hosting the giveaway. My blog is at

ikkinlala said...

Happy new year!

I've definitely seen snow - we have several feet of it right now. I'm looking forward to an upcoming trip to a warmer climate, though.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Isabella said...

Living in Tassie we have snow, Comming from Scotland I loved it as a kid

valerie2350 said...

Yes :)

Cindy @ Creating at Home said...


Yes, I've seen snow... we have quite a bit of it here right now and there's more on the way this weekend.

Your prize looks awesome! Thanks for being so generous.


Vickie E said...

Happy New Year! I have seen snow every winter for 35 years...if being an infant counts LOL. I have lived in Iowa, Minnesota and Ohio. I sure hope your cold goes away soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Holly! I lived in Northern Michigan for 5 years and boy did we see snow there!

What a cute give away. Thanks!

~ Hearts ~

Carla said...

Living in Southern California for most of my life and now Alabama hasn't given me a lot of snow experience but we have had snow a few times.

Kari said...

HI. This is the first time I am doing this and it has been lots of fun. I live in Wisconsin and grew up in Michigan. I can almost say I have already seen enough snow for this season. I will admit though, I would miss it if I did not have it. A fresh snow on trees looks so beautiful.!!! Thank you!!!

Briarose said...

Yes, I have seen snow...looking out my window now I see lots of snow! Enough already, I'm ready for spring! Claire

Katy said...

Wow! What a great giveaway!

I grew up where we got snow about once a year, sometimes more often, sometimes not at all. But I've seen snow many times, and we enjoy going to play in the snow in the mountains above us every year.

Megan said...

What an awesome giveaway!

Well I have seen snow many times, and lived in snowy Austria for awhile. But I love when the snow holds it's shape as it comes down, and you can actually see flakes. The first time this happened (for me) was in Illinois in 2002. Crazy!

megan.nadalet [at] gmail [dot]com

Katie Z. said...

I have seen snow... when I was little, we had a blizzard that piled snow to the roof of our garage. I'd love to win just for the tins, not even what's inside! This is lovely.

Carol E. said...

I live in MN, so YES I have seen lots of snow. However, I was born in Panama and was 2.5 yrs old when we came here. Mom says we were fascinated with the snow, but inside the house she couldn't get us to keep our shoes on. We kept saying "our feet can't breathe!"

Heidi said...

What a fun giveaway! Here's hoping I win :)!

Jeri said...

Love your giveaway!

I live in Texas and yes, I've seen plenty of snow in my life. I've been living in this town my whole life and we get several snowstorms each winter. The year I was 4 yrs. old we had a 23" snowfall, and just about 8 or 9 years ago we were snowed in for several days with about 16" of snowfall.

Rachel said...

Have I ever seen snow? OH YES! I live in Canada and have lived as far as the 58th parallel. COLD and SNOWY! I've also lived in Norway, which gets tons of snow in the winter. Even when I lived in the Canary Islands, there was snow on the mountains. So, YES, I've seen snow!!!

Happy New Year!

Corinna said...

What a generous giveaway! Yes I've seen snow - every winter for as many years as I've been alive! I just shovelled a mountain full off the driveway this afternoon.

Reva Skie said...

Happy New Year. I have seen more snow than I ever care to in this life. I was just talking to my husband the other day about wanting to become a snowbird.

Jackie said...

Oh, yes...I've seen lots of snow here in New Jersey. We just had a white Christmas.

Happy New Year!

ytsmom said...

I have seen lots of snow here in Nebraska. I used to love snow days. Mom and I would have a running game of Monopoly that lasted all day long.

Karen said...

Happy New Year! Just traveled over to your post and am very happy to have found you! Have seen snow and do love it in moderation!

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