Sunday, October 19

Is it summer or fall here in Minnesota?

This has been the mildest fall that I can remember in all the years that we have lived in Minnesota. This is the middle of October and I went off to church without wearing a coat or jacket. Later on, we washed my car and I got hot while working in the sun. I was wearing a knit shirt with a sweater and slacks. Took the sweater off as who needs it when it's 60 degrees and sunny! Our neighbor, Kathy, walked over while we were washing the car, just as my husband was pointing out that I wasn't keeping the car wet enough and it was going to waterspot. What is it about some men and cars? As Kathy knows, I had the urge to turn the hose on him, but I wisely chose to remain calm as I was more interested in finishing the job than in getting even. :-)

When the car was finished, I decided to whip up a batch of fudge. Every day this week, I have stuff I'll be doing in preparation for our retreat this weekend. I am really looking forward to it. Have some fun stuff planned for everyone and we all know each other and love to get together so this is gonna be a fun, fun, weekend! It just occurred to me that I may not post many more details of the retreat as my friends read my blog. Hmmmmmmmm..........looks like you'll have to wait til the retreat is over for details and pictures.



Mary Grace McNamara said...

Well I don't know about Minnesota, but here in New England, it's WINTER! Brrrrr! I couldn't hold off any longer and actually had to turn the heat on in the house this morning. I think it was in the very low 30s outside and 56 in the house is a bit chilly to be functional in the mornings! But I really can't complain because we haven't had any snow yet. Hopefully that will hold off until November at least.

Looking forward to seeing what you do on your retreat!


Samantha said...

Last Thursday it was 83 here in NJ, but Friday it was in the 50's, and this morning when I woke up it was only 36 and we had hard frost. We went from summer to fall literally overnight!

Nanette Merrill said...

Yum homemade fudge. Mine always crystalizes.

"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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