Wednesday, December 31

Happy New Year! and time to "Whirl into Winter"!!!

It's December 31st and time to usher in a new year! Here's wishing you warmth, friendship, shelter, food and all that will make you happy in the coming year!

*H A P P Y *N E W *Y E A R *! ! !

* * * * * * * * * *

It's also time to post the items that I have gathered for the ......
"Whirl into Winter Giveaway!!"

And here they are! There's a little something for everyone in this assortment. For those who enjoy scrapbooking there's a pad of pretty blue and white papers and some envelopes for creating custom cards. There's a little snowman photo/scrapbook to journal about favorite winter memories and some stickers to decorate the pages. There are some candles to light the night if a winter storm leaves you with a power outage (not fun) and if you live where there is no snow, well, I have provided you with a giant glittery snowflake to hang that will remind you of all of us who are knee deep or more in snow and ice this winter!!! There are little boxes filled with sweet treats and a tiny tin filled with some little surprises. And then there are three matching snowflake tins filled with more surprises!! The tins may match but each is a different size and each holds a different surprise. Are you wondering what might be in the tins? Here's a clue.......soft and nice to touch. No, it's not a rabbit in a tin but if you want to find out what is in the each one, check back on the days I'll be posting their contents and each one will be a "Snowflake Surprise"!!!! I'll reveal what is in the tins on separate days - Tin #1 will be revealed on Jan. 5th, Tin # 2 on Jan. 10th and Tin #3 on Jan. 15th. So, how can you win this batch of goodies? Well, here are my rules..............

1. Leave a comment on this post for one chance to enter. Your comment must include a link to your blog or an e-mail address. If you do not leave a contact link, your comment will not be entered in the drawing.

2. You may begin leaving comments at midnight tonight - in other words when Dec. 31 ends and Jan. 1 begins, you can leave me a comment. I will be taking comments through midnight Jan. 15th and will draw the name then and post it on Jan. 16th.

3. Your comment must include the answer to the following question - "Have you ever seen snow?" Then if you want to tell me more, I'd love to hear it but that's all it takes to get a chance to win the goodies you see in the picture.

4. If you check back on the 5th, the 10th and the 15th of January to see what is in each of the tins, you may leave a comment each of those days and so you can get your name in the drawing at least three more times!

All bloggers - U.S.A. and International - are welcome to leave comments. Hope that covers everything!! Oh, one more thing!!! I will be posting some free patterns, tips and things every other day or so between now and January 15th so stop back often and see what's new!!

Have a safe and *H A P P Y *N E W* Y E A R *! ! !

P.S. We are staying in tonight, too cold to go anywhere
although my husband has gone to run errands and get
more cold meds for me. Bummer to have picked up this cold.
I have a winner, Mary ..............."The Needled Mom"!!!


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Deb said...

I live in MO so YES I see snow! Alot of it, and ice. LOL. Tonite they are predicting rain! How funny, rain in January. Not really because i married in January, and dh and I flew back to MO from CA and it was cold, not snowing, but the ground was froze. Love your give away! Where in IA do you live? I live close to the IA/MO border.

Megan and Erik said...

What a cute giveaway. I have seen snow for sure last year we got 4 feet in one night. The cows were walking in single file to get to their feed. Now thats weird! haha

Anonymous said...

Oh yes I grew up in Germany and have seen a lot of snow, but now live in Australia.
Thanks for entering me.


Unknown said...

I aam looking at way too much snow. I am not a snow enthusiest (sp), so I figured that the 1/2" we got in November was enough for the winter and it could go away and then be 70 degrees til June. But it doesn't work that way in Minnesota. It is snowing here a little, but north of here they have issued a winter storm warning, meaning hazardous driving conditions, high winds, blowing snow and serious wind chill temps. When wind chill temps reach -20, skin begins to freeze in mere seconds. Time to find the Hot Chocolate, marshmallows and my knitting.

Linda said...

Yes though not much in NC. I went to college in Frostburg, MD. One year there was so much snow, they dug a path through the quadrangle and it was so high on both sides, it was as if you were in a tunnel.

Linda said...

Previous comment about having seen snow at college in Frostburg, MD was from me:

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

Seen snow? I'm up to my hiney in it right now. Michigan gets it's share every year! What a wonderful group of prizes you have. Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

Oh I have seen a lot of snow here in Colorado...I've been snowed in, and snowed out of my home. I've had snow so high that my animals left their corrals...just walked right over them! I've had snow so deep that the kids could tunnel through them like little eskimo miners. My favorite thing about snow? That you can SKI ON IT!!!

Thank you so much for such a fun giveaway, and many bloggy blessings to you in 2009!

Yarni Gras! said...

snowmen are my FAV!


5acre Designs said...

Yes! Kansas always has snow.

Farmhouse Blessings said...

We rarely have snow here but just love it when the ground unexpectedly is cover with the its magic!

Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway.

Wishing you joy in the coming year,

Judy said...

We get snow in Indiana but when I lived in Wisconsin now that was snow!! When I was a child we would make snow ice cream and it was sooo good. You can't do that anymore.

Karen said...

I grew up in Asheville, NC...and snow there was perfect! We would get a lot all at once and then it would go would do that a few times...perfect! I now live where there is NO SNOW....miss snow so much. Love your giveaway...cute ideas and I am a winter baby.

Melinda said...

We don't get snow very often her in Georgia but usually once a year. When I lived near Chicago, I saw more snow than I ever want to see again.

momid5 said...

I love surprizes,and yes snow also..the blizzard in 1983 near our home in Denver closed the Interstate highway BUT one lady on horseback was just fine-- almost flying northbound, it remains a very happy memory. Your tins and snowflakes are really pretty.

Donna said...

Hope you have a good New Year! Your giveaway looks great, so please enter my name!

Oh, yes, we have definitely seen snow here. Today it's a bit of ice, which isn't nice!

taterbug said...

I haven't seen any snow this year yet. We usually only see a couple of snow days each winter and then it is usually only about an inch and most of the time it melts the next day or two. Ice is more of a problem in my area.

Anonymous said...

happy new year! what a neat start to a new year. of course i have seen act i can see it out of my window right now!


~Niki~ said...

Yes I've seen lots of it in my day, however in AZ where I live we get NONE. thanks for entering me!

disijudy said...

We ALWAYS get snow near Chicago. When my kids were out from Florida for Christmas we got snow, but it was way too cold (near zero) to play outside. Then it warmed up to 50 degrees & we had slush. Last night it rained. You never know!

Fun blogger to read.

katrien said...

Here in Belgium we have not a lot of snow in winter,but every year we going to Austria for skiing,so we see a lot of snow there.

inge said...

Yes, I've seen snow, and if the weather forcast is right, I will see snow tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Ilive in the snow belt of Ohio, right along Lake Erie, and I see snow right now outside my glistens at night with the porch light on...beautiful!

I also saw and played in the snow in Hawaii, on top of Mauna Loa on the Big high that the snow is present at the extreme elevations! It was fun, in our
Hawaiian clothes and sandals!!!

Candie L said...

I live in northern Arkansas. We have already had snow this year (okay it was mostly ice, but there was some snow mixed in it). Thank you for your giveaway


Gayle said...

What a wonderful way to celebrate winter - my favorite season!

dyeing2hook at msn dot com

Gayle said...

Of course I've seen snow! I grew up in the Sierra Nevada mountains of CA, and now live in Utah where we have the 'Greatest Snow on Earth'! This year has been especially nice with above average snowfall so far. LOVE IT!
dyeing2hook at msn dot com

Andrea Hatfield said...

I have seen lots of snow! Snow is my favorite thing about winter. I love to play in it with my children.

Nanette Merrill said...

Holy Cow Sandi - wow. Tons of comments. Good for you. The prize is fabulous.

Granny said...

I use to love making ice cream out of snow with my children when they were home.

Thanks for entering me

Lynda said...

have you ever seen snow, well I have to say almost to much of it, it has been snowing off and on for almost a month,so pretty but so hard to drive and get around.
from the usually wet but now Snowy Wa

Debra said...

Oh yes! I have seen snow- every winter for the last 54 years!

SandyQuilts said...

"Have you ever seen snow?"
Yes unfortunately I see snow every winter. I don't love it.

Anonymous said...

Have I seen snow? Yup, but I have a 12 year old boy who has only seen it in the back of a truck. I'm solving that problem this winter and taking him up to the mountaina to build a proper snowman. Your blog is wonderful! Thanks for the give-away.

Joy said...

I can't remember whether I left a comment the first time I read this .... so I'm leaving one now LOL, cos I'd hate to miss out on your draw!!
I saw lots of snow on our honeymoon in New Zealand .. DH ski-ed and I watched he he he.
Joy :o)

Kim D. said...

Please enter me in your giveaway. Love your little gifties. Yes, I have seen snow, I'm from the North and moved to the south to get out of the white stuff. I miss a White Christmas season although I don't miss the cold. :)

Wendy said...

Happy New Year!
Snow? Yes! I do enjoy it too :)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all of you!!!
I hope that 2009 brings everthing you may wish for.

I like you giveaway - thanks.

It is really winter here in Holland. It started snowing last night and I am now lloking through the window of my sewingroom to a very white garden and bright blue sky.
Severe frost is predicted for tonight (-20 degr.C.) and for Holland this is even not normal.
Next thursday we will have the National Dutch Championships Marathon Iceskating on natural ice; on the Loosvaarderplassen - a kind of natural (now frozen) lake.


Maxwells said...

I have seen snow. I could do without it though. Being from LA and now live in the NE, I miss warmer winters. I do like how nice and quiet it seems when i snows

Maxwells said...

Sorry, forgot my email.
tonispaulding at

Doris said...

What a sweet giveaway! I love the blue and white snowman stuff! Yes, I saw snow as recenlty as this morning on my walk to work, it's not fresh, but never fear, we have more coming any day now!

Doris in Des Moines

Anonymous said...

Sure I've seen snow! Not much here in NE Texas but we do get a good snowfall a couple of times a year. We'll make a snowman and stay off the roads because no one knows how to drive in the snow around here!

Mary Grace McNamara said...

I've seen more snow in the past month than we usually see all year! However, up until I was about 12 years old, I had never seen it. It's pretty, but it's not all it's cracked up to be!

As usual Sandi, your giveaway is fantastic!


~JoAnn~ said...

I live in Califronia so we don't get snow. But I have seen it when we go up to the mountains and I think it is just beautiful, probably because we don't get it normally I just love it.

Simona said...

Our snow here is usually wet and mushy. Not my favorite kind of weather but it is good incentive to stay inside and sew :-)

Sharon said...

What a lovely blog. I wish I had known about you during our 2 weeks of being snowbound. Lovely to look at, nasty to drive in. No, I won't wait til the next snowfall to read your blog. It is far too interesting. Although we did have nearly 3" again last night. Fortunately it was nearly gone this morning.
Thaks for good reading

cedar chest quilts said...

Happy New Year Sandi, stop by to check up on you--sorry you have a cold. I do to--just sitting looking at blogs while I wait for him to get home--plan to take Nyquil & go to bed. 1st time I saw snow--I was to little to remember it was on vacation and Mom has pictures of us kids in matching SHORT sets and sandels (standing in the snow). Angie

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Happy New Year. I Love your 2009 BOM. Also like snow, but we have only had about 3 flakes here in Texas


Anonymous quilter said...

Love your giveaway ! I live in a snow globe called Michigan.I am ready for spring.


yes I have used to live up North Happy New Year! mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

Theresa N. said...

Yes I've seen snow. Not much just a little but it made me wish for more, Now I watch for it every winter.
Theresa N

Simonetta said...

Hello Sandi, Happy New Year to You!!! My name is Simonetta from Italy.I like so much the snow and also from us there is a lot of snow this year but I also cool!LOL ;))))
Have a great sunday!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to win!

Here in Virginia, we see snow occasionally, but not nearly as often as I'd like:)


Anonymous said...

Being from Michigan and now living in Illinois, I sure have seen snow. I have even enjoyed a few snow days!

Love you blog, I am a first time visitor and I am enjoying looking around a bit.


MOMENTS Designs said...

Have I ever seen snow...boy have I ! LOL
I was raised in Canada ( Toronto area) and as a kid we always had snow that went over our heads! Then I loved it, today I would hate it ..:LOL Then I spend 10yrs in Buffalo NY (USA) and again TONS of snow ( one winter I couldn't find my car) Now I live in Germany ( Frankfurt area)and we rarely get snow but would you believe it ...we got snow today ! :-)
I hope this qualifies me for your drawing ?? LOL

RiverofOdd said...

Hi~ I love your giveaway very much. I have seen snow, we are actually breaking records here in Spokane, Washington this year, over 50 inches this season.

Giulianna said...

Yes, I have seen it snow and played in snow many times. As a child I used to love to catch snowflakes on my tongue. However, for the last few years, I have lived in areas that rarely or never see snow. I miss it!!!

bingo~bonnie said...

I grew up in KY and we had snow each winter.. sometimes a lot sometimes a little... Only once do I remember having enough wet snow to build a snowman...

but this year is my favorite memory - SNOW and lots of it here in SE Texas was history in the making just before Christmas!!!

My 4 year old was thrilled!!! and my husband and I got so excited watching her get so excited to make snow angels. It may never snow again while we live this far south.. but We played, took photos, blogged about it and will never forget that day! :)

love your creativeness on the tins ;) hope I win one. Be sure and chekc out my giveaway too!

Love from Texas! ~bonnie

Anonymous said...

I seen snow - I lived in Minnesota all my life. Currently living in AZ. We had a little snow the day after Christmas.

julie & joe said...

We see snow every year. None so far this year thank goodness.

Melissa & DJ said...

Happy New Year!!
We love the snow!! I just wish my husband were around to shovel the driveway.

Lynn said...

Aww, the snowmen are just beautiful! They are my favorite, I collect them!

Gretchen said...

I have seen snow!! Growing up in Michigan and then every once in awhile here in Georgia. Snow in GA is great because everyone runs to the grocery store to buy milk and bread! And if the snow sticks, everyone stays home! Happy New Year!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I have seen snow....i live in buffalo. =D

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Gladys Wahl said...

Just found your blog tonight...and glad I did... I am in Iowa with plenty of snow. I decorate for the holidays mainly with snowmen so I am especially drawn to your wall quilt pattern and all of the snow flake items... Throw my name in the drawing hat please.
Gladys Wahl

Heather said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Yes, I have seen snow but not nearly as often as I would like...seems to not get cold enough

Regina said...

Hi Sandi, Happy New Year!

Have I seen snow, have I seen snow!! I live in S.E. Wisconsin, I can tell you that I have seen snow. As a matter of fact, it is snowing as I type. In recent years I don't remember an Easter without snow.

Becky Ann said...

Morning Sandi!

Love snow, that fabulous white stuff; we had at least 8 inches this year and we usually only get a couple. I had to stay with friends in North Seattle so I would be able to get back and forth to work on the bus. I was trapped in Seattle twice for 5 days straight. By the time we were done, I was sick and tired of snow. No fun commuting in it. I really like to hibernate and sew and cook in icky weather. Need to find me a sugar daddy for that!

Love your snowman, he's cute.

Sandee said...

Hi just descovered your blog and love it. I live in Wis and hate snow but do enjoy seeing my grandchildren play hockey. Please enter me in your great prizes give a way. Sandy

Trina C said...

This year I've seen way more snow that I'd like to see. Seems we're having a snow storm every 3 or 4 days. Another on the way Friday! I believe we are up to about 32" right now. Uffda!

Candace said...

Hi Sandi - I've seem SO much snow this winter so far - we've had enough already! Very unsusual for our PNW area! Thanks for great giveaways! Check out my WIW giveaway as well!

swooze said...

Have I seen snow? Oh yes! Grew up in central NY. Had a blizzard that left snow up to the eave of our house. Fun as a kid!

Rhonda said...

Great giveaway!

Yes, I've seen snow... lived in Ohio when I was a kid. NOw, we go to the mountain to see snow.

Penelope said...

Oh, my! What goodies those are! I'd love to be entered into this.

Oh, and yes, I've seen snow...I'm looking at a foot of it right now! :)

Kathy ~~~ said...

Hi Sandi! Let's see if I can win your lovely giveaway AGAIN. I feel a little guilty for trying again:-) Yes, I've seen snow...shoveled and played in it. Also sat in awe gazing on the beauty of freshly fallen snow.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

have you ever seen snow? Yes and usually about my birthday which is today!!!!!!!!

Angela C said...

I lived in Michigan most of my life so I have seen ton's of it in my time. Thank you for the giveaway!

Dawn said...

Yes, I have seen snow, but we don't get snow where I live. Thanks for the giveaway!

Debbie said...

First, I love tins, even if there's nothing in them! And, I've seen snow. Grew up in the Northeast, but now live where it snows only once every few years and it's a big deal.
Have fun.
debbiesther at

Marilyn Robertson said...

Yes, I have seen snow! In fact if I look outside right now that is what I see falling through the sky!

Crochet-n-Quilt said...

I am from Kansas and yes I have seen snow. Isn't it fun to watch someone who experiences snow for the first time?

opalin quilts said...

Hi Sandi
I live in Switzerland and we have nearly every winter snow (once or twice for a few days). Actually it is very cold and snow and ice stay outside. Probably we can do ice skating on a pond nearby.
Your blog is very nice. I am sure to come back from time to time.
Greetings from Switzerland

Tonje said...

Hahahahaaaa... I can't stop laughing... you have such a wonderful way of writing... I just read you post about your maid... lol...

Well... anyway... thanks for this great giveaway. Here, in Norway, we've had plenty of snow... but most of it is gone now. I'm sure it will come back before winter is over though...

Crafts a la Mode said...

What a nice giveaway. Thank you. Cute blog, too. Linda

maggie said...

I love your giveaway! And have I seen snow? Oh definitely ...most years much more than I care to see. Living on the island of Nfld. means getting lots of snow. But so far this year we haven't had a lot.
Happy New Year.

Grenae said...

Thanks for your kind offer. Yes, I've seen snow. When this southern girl moved to KS, I had never really experienced snow. In GA, everything came to a halt with 1 or 2 inches. Needless to say, I was surprised the first time we had a foot of snow and everyone kept going! What a fun memory.

szkornelia said...

Hi Sandi, happy new year. What a nice giveaway! I have seen snow but not too much in the last few years. Hopefully I will see more in a few days as I am going for skiing the week after next. :)

Jess said...

I've seen snow - Washington state had way too much in December!


Sue D said...

Yes I have seen snow--we are in the midst of a snow storm right now and I'm happy to not have to go anywhere.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh is snowing outside at this very moment and everything is covered in sparkly white powder snow!

Narelle said...

I've never seen snow but I would like to just once. I get cranky when I'm cold so once will be enought I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaway....Snow? Well, I live in Northern Quebec, Canada and have lived in even truer northern climates; where the only way to the town is by plane or train and ski-doos are the winter mode of transportation. I used to drive my sled dogs up until a few years ago! Snow! Sometimes it can be magical, other times treacherous, but I couldn't see myself living without snow!


Cheryl S said...

I have seen way too much snow! I live in western PA and we had a huge snowstorm yesterday- about 9 or 10 inches followed by sleet and freezing rain. What fun!

Mackenzie said...

I'm a bit late joining in all of this fun, but I'd love to be entered!
Mackenzie H

Jess Living said...

Yes I have seen snow it just snowed last night as a matter of fact : ) thanks for the chance to win

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! I love reading your blog!

We just had a snow storm here in New England. My mini dachshund named Minnie loves playing in the snow. She kind of disappears in the high drifts! She just likes to run and run all around!

This is an awesome giveaway!

Natasha said...

In Minnesota it would not be winter without a ton of snow!!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Here in New England we get lots of snow and we have an abundant crop of it this year. We had 8 inches fall today alone.

Dee said...

We have had a record amount of snow in MN, so the answer, is yes, Ihave seen snow:)Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway. Dee -

Aimee said...

I have never lived in a place that didn't get snow. And we've had plenty of it this year. Piles and piles of it everywhere!

Diane H said...

Living in Canada, have always had
snow, don't know how to live any other way! Take care.

Willow Lake Stitches said...

You Betcha I have seen snow ! I have been stranded in it, played in it, eaten it, shoveled it, been thrown in it. . . let's see. . . climbed it. . .

after 53 years living in North Dakota, I have seen it all, from historic, story making blizzards, to some winters when we didn't HAVE snow. . . this year there is plenty, however. This is one of the years that we will tell stories about !

Thank you for the generous giveaway !


Christine said...

Great giveaway ... lovely prizes. It snows in the highlands of Tasmania but not on the coast where I live. I like to go to the snow with my niece and nephews.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Well, when I look out of my window I see snow... I wish I lived in a warmer region, though. I'm more a summer person ;-)

Thanks for this great give-away! I'd love to win, so please enter me in your drawing!

Dagmar from Germany

Kimberlyquilting said...

HI I would love to win your give away. I live in Michigan so I see snow a lot

Ginny said...

Yep, can see snow right now, TONS of it!

Lyn said...

I think I am the Lyn your looking for

Michele said...

Yes-- I've seen snow. More than I would like. I liked snow when I was a kid; now that I'm grownup, I like snow when I can stay home and sew but not when I have to drive in it.

Peggy said...

Hi, I found your blog through Latane's Life in Wakefield.I have added you to my toolbar as I intend visiting a lot! I am blogging from Ireland and have made so many friends and learned so much on the different blogs from around the world.We get a quick glimpse of snow usually as we are in the south of Ireland nesr the coast.It falls thick and fast and the kids get all excited but it melts as soon as it hits the ground! Now if you had asked have I ever seen rain....
I love you giveaway but as I am at the end of a very long list??

Pat said...

yup...I've seen snow when I lived in northern and then central NJ. Now I live in southern Delaware and snow is rare....usually tops of an inch maybe once a summer and gone within hours. Once in a great while, there might be more, but not very often...and that is fine by me!!! :)

Mam said...

Snow is a familiar site in Canada. But last year took the cake, it snowed heavily most of the winter so by the end of winter, we had snow drifts 9 feet high in our side and back yards. We simply ran out of space to pile it. Luckily this winter has not been as severe. Love your give away prizes........My email address is

Val said...

We don't get a lot of snow here in Georgia but when we get just a little dusting it is so exciting. The only year that I didn't like the snow is the Blizzard of 93. We had no electricity and there were actually snowdrifts. We were out of power for days and it was so cold. I would love to be in your give away!

37 Questions said...

I have seen snow. Not as often as I'd like, though - I'm from Seattle.

Thanks for a super giveaway!

jjdragonfly [at] gmail [dot] com

Deb said...

Yes, I've seen snow but not this year in least just flurries, not the real stuff!

Diana D said...

Looks like a wonderful package of goodies to win. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

silverhartgirl said...

It is o scold and snowy here that their is no school today,

NDQuilter said...

Born and raised in North Dakota so I have seen alot of snow in my life. Born and raised in ND and have never left. Winter is my favorite season.
This winter we have had 50" of snow and this morning was -33*F.
My season to stay in and Quilt.
Rhonda in ND :)

Gene Black said...

Yes, I have seen snow. I have been in a blizzard in Ohio that shut down the entire state...I think that was 1979. And we had a snowstorm here in Alabama that closed down my town for 3 or four days. That storm took out my carport and smashed my car too.

But I have seen snow other times and enjoyed it greatly.

These days, my bones don't love the cold and right now I see that it is 26 degrees Farenheit now in my little part of Alabama. BRRRR...we may hit single digits tonite.

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"Peace can be found in the piecing of a quilt."
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